Start a New Chapter


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    Your Roadmap to Success

    Navigate your New Chapter Journey with Confidence

    Looking to start your very own Local Chapter of NAYGN, but don’t know where to begin? Check out this step-by-step guide!

    Assess the need for a new Local Chapter

    Is there an existing Local Chapter of the NAYGN nearby?
    Will that local chapter include members from your company in its activities and membership?

    Identify organizations in your area where potential members may be employed

    • Nuclear Plants
    • Nuclear Vendors
    • Medical Facilities
    • Universities
    • Government Agencies

    Identify potential NAYGN members

    • Talk to friends & colleagues
    • Talk to your Human Resources representatives
    • Talk to your management

    Partner with – don’t compete with – other local organizations

    • Identify local chapters and sections of ANS, CNS, HPS, WIN, ASME, etc
    • Identify potential collaboration areas with other local organizations
    • Ask local organzation leads how NAYGN might help expand participation in their activities

    Get the word out

    • If you haven’t done it already, talk to your friends and colleagues!
    • Post interest notices on your company’s bulletin boards, website, or newsletter.

    Establish a planning committee

    • Identify enthusiastic volunteers to share the workload
    • A planning committee provides a broader perspective and helps ensure that Local Chapter goals are representative of your Local Chapter’s personal and professional diversity

    Recruit a Mentor or Sponsor

    A mentor or sponsor should be a more experienced professional familiar with and well-known within your organization. A mentor or sponsor should:

    • Help you interface with management
    • Help you recruit members
    • Help encourage active participation

    Get in touch with NAYGN

    • The NAYGN Vice President is responsible for helping new local chapters kick-off. The Vice President will answer your questions and help walk you through the process of starting a local chapter
    • The NAYGN US Operating Officer or Canadian Operating Officer can get you in touch with your Regional Lead and other NAYGN local chapters in your area

    Establish your mission

    • You can’t accomplish anything if you don’t know what you want to accomplish
    • Outline an initial mission for your local chapter. What do you want your Local Chapter to do for its members?
    • Get input from as many potential members as possible

    Develop a strategic plan

    • A Strategic Plan will help your Local Chapter achieve its goals
    • Identify your Local Chapter’s primary goals
    • Identify tasks for the next year that will help your Local Chapter achieve those goals

    Develop a business case

    • A business case will help ensure that your Local Chapter has adequate resources available to achieve its goals
    • Identify the benefits of establishing a Local Chapter to your employer/corporate sponsor/corporate partners
    • Identify risks of establishing a Local Chapter to your employer/corporate sponsor/corporate partners
    • Develop a preliminary budget for your Local Chapter and identify/propose funding sources

    Has your Local Chapter developed a business case?

    Share it with others who wish to establish a local chapter
    Send your PDF document to the NAYGN US Operating Officer
    See Example

    Identify support needed

    • Before you talk to your company, decide what you are asking your company to do to support you
    • Prepare a short document or presentation that describes all of the anticipated costs and benefits to your company (or companies for joint chapters)
    • If you are seeking financial support, be sure to provide a preliminary annual budget! Be as specific as possible

    Share your plan and enthusiasm

    • Work with your mentor or sponsor to share your business case and plan with your company’s management
    • Contact your Human Resources department to discuss how your Local Chapter could support their efforts
    • Remember that enthusiasm is contagious!

    Establish a charter

    • Document the mission and operation of your chapter to transfer the knowledge you've gained!
    • Give your chapter a name. Get input on your chapter's name from your management, HR, and your company's communications office
    • Provide a succession plan, with guidelines for officer positions and responsibilities

    Plan a kick-off meeting

    • Get in touch with the NAYGN Vice President to have NAYGN send promotional items for your meeting
    • Choose a time and location for your Kick-Off meeting. Be considerate of alternative work schedules and try to maximize participation when deciding whether to hold your meeting on or off-site
    • Advertise. Advertise. Get permission to post notices on company bulletin boards, in company newsletters, and in regularly distributed company emails
    • Encourage more experienced professionals to participate. Sometimes a personal invitation is the most effective invitation
    • Be sure to invite managers and HR representatives who are supporting you

    Example Charters

    Has your Local Chapter developed a Charter? Share it with others who wish to establish a local chapter! Send your PDF document to the NAYGN US Operating Officer to be posted here.

    Charter Templates that can be used to help put together your charter can be found in the Resource Library.

    Southern Company >>

    INPO >>

    Entergy >>

    Kick-Off Meeting Announcements

    Share your Local Chapter’s Kick-Off Meeting Announcements with others who wish to establish a local chapter

    Send your document to the NAYGN US Operating Officer to be posted here

    See Example

    Keep your members involved

    • Establish committees to plan activities and events
    • Publish a newsletter to keep everyone up to date
    • Hold regular meetings to keep your Local Chapter focused

    Focus on addressing the diverse needs of all members

    • Plan both professional development and community outreach activities
    • Host guest speakers at your meetings
    • Expand your social and professional network by planning social events
    • Establish a survey process to evaluate how well your Local Chapter is addressing its members' needs
    • Look for ideas in Go Nuke!

    Stay in touch

    Your Operating Officer (US or Canadian), along with your Regional Lead, serve as the information pipeline from the continental organization to your local chapter. Stay in touch with NAYGN for important updates, sharing of information, and participation in regional and continental-level initiatives. Refer to the local chapter resources page for more information.

    The LCL 101 (for new chapter leads) is a great resource to review. The last page of this document provides LCLs with a checklist. Follow these items on the checklist and your chapter should be set up for success!

    Tips and Tricks

    Share ideas that worked for your Local Chapter here! Send your tip or trick to the NAYGN Operating Officer. Be sure to include your name and your Local Chapter’s name in your email

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