Membership Announcements Volume 12, Issue 22, Revision 1
Breaking News...
- Registration has begun for the 2015 NAYGN Conference. This year’s event will be held at the Marriott Marquis in Washington DC from May 12-14. This year’s conference will be different from previous years: the NAYGN conference has been merged with the Nuclear Energy Assembly (NEA) meeting. NAYGN members will partake in a 2.5-day conference that will commence with a day of NAYGN Professional Development sessions, will include NEA general sessions, and will conclude with a Capitol Hill visit. Please register using the NEA link since this year’s meeting has been merged. NOTE REGISTRATION FEES INCREASE BY $100 AFTER APRIL 13th!!!
- The outgoing NAYGN Past President, Christine Csizmadia, discusses cross-industry relationships, balancing workday productivity with NAYGN activities, and Bravo Channel’s Real Housewives during a conversation with the Recruiting and Retention Committee in the third edition of the Focus.”
- Attention: The R&R committee is conducting a short survey of NAYGN members (2 questions). If you are active NAYGN member, please take 4 seconds to complete the survey (
s/7PQSKVV ). Link is also available on the NAYGN website and supports mobile devices. Survey results will be presented in the next NAYGN Focus.
- NAYGN represents at Canadian Nuclear Association Conference 2015. The theme of this year’s 2015 Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) Conference and Trade Show was “Power for a Cooler Climate.” At CNA 2015 Conference, NAYGN representatives were nominated to sit on the Nuclear Leadership Forum hosted by the CNA. Look for more details and photos in an upcoming GoNuke article on
Get Involved
- The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is requesting a partnership with the nuclear energy industry. NAYGN seeks five (5) volunteers are needed to head up a leadership team to setup outreach events with NSBE chapters during National Nuclear Science Week (NNSW) of October 19‑24, 2015. For more information or to volunteer for the leadership team, please contact
- CALLING LOCAL CHAPTERS!! On May 11th, prior to the NAYGN National Conference, the PI Team is considering hosting a STEM Event at local Washington DC Schools. We are looking for volunteers to help the PI Team reach out to the DC Students. The plan is to visit a couple classrooms at the schools for approximately an hour to host activities for the students (ie. Goldi blox) AND will also discuss NAYGN & Nuclear Science. If you are interested in volunteering please email
- What: PI Award Submittals
- When: Submit by April 15th, 2015
- How: Local chapters please submit your best outreach program to the PI committee The submittal should include both a PowerPoint presentation that can be played on a loop that highlights the outreach project and a simple write up. The simple write up should consist of a narrative of the event, number of times the chapter has executed it, metrics: number of people reached, positive mentions in local press, and any other highlights. We encourage all submitters to give as much information and detail as possible.
- Excellence award nominations opening soon! Since our members are doing such noteworthy work throughout the year, we are now giving out Excellence Awards on a semi-annual basis and winners will be announced on the website. Nominations for the first round of Excellence Awards will open in the spring. Please contact with questions or to volunteer for the Awards Committee.