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Media from the Atlanta conference, courtesy of NEI: NEA, TIP Award and NAYGN photos and videos of NRC Chairman Kristine Svinicki

Thank you for joining us at the 2018 NAYGN Professional Development Conference!

NAYGN Wins a TIP Award!

Congratulations to those among our ranks who worked so hard to make an Impact!  Some members of the team are pictured here with Marie and Einstein, together with some members of the NAYGN Core.  See more information about the Top Innovative Practice Awards in general by following this link.

Watch the video that presents our activities that were ultimately recognized by the Award.

Congratulations to our Award Winners

Each year, NAYGN recognizes its members for excellence in several categories, including best chapter overall and best chapter in Public Information.

Southern Company's Plant Vogtle 3+4

Framatome Richland

Best in Region – Atlantic – Dominion-Innsbrook
Best in Region – Canada – Durham
Best in Region – Carolinas – Duke Energy
Best in Region – Midwest – Exelon West
Best in Region – Northeast – Westinghouse - Pittsburgh
Best in Region – Southeast – Vogtle 3 & 4

Future Award Winners for Marie’s Electric Adventure

Matthew Bradfield
Kyle Hemker
Andy Kalchik
Amanda Lang
Glen Lawson
Ashley Marlowe
Anne McGovern
Adam Reichenbach
Alyse Scurlock
Jennifer Taylor
Theresa Widger
Seth Wier

Best in Region – West – Palo Verde Generating Station
Best in Knowledge Transfer and Retention – Duke Energy
Best in Public Information – Framatome Richland
Best in Professional Development – INPO Atlanta
Future Award for the Vogtle NAYGN Golf Tournament – Vogtle 3 & 4
Future Award for the Vogtle NAYGN Golf Tournament – Vogtle 1 & 2

Individual Achievement Award Winners

Paul Balik
Katie Damratoski
Alex Holder
Amanda Lang
Matthew Mairinger
Courtney Tampas
Cayla Thompson
