2023-2024 Career Report Survey is Live!

NAYGN is conducting a biennial Career Report Survey to explore the perspective of the nuclear workforce on what it will take to attract new talent to the industry, what will engage the existing workforce, and what it will take to retain the existing talent within the industry. The survey results will be used by continental NAYGN to attract new members and better meet the needs of our existing members. Additionally, the results will be shared with industry companies to support us in our efforts to attract and retain the nuclear workforce of the future.
To show our appreciation for taking the survey, NAYGN is offering prizes at the individual and chapter level. Take the survey and share the link with your chapter members so they can do the same! The more members from your chapter that participate, the better.
Take the survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/NAYGNCS2024
The survey will be open until January 5th, 2024.
Contact vp@naygn.org with questions.