Q12025 Excellence Award

Closing on: Apr 30, 2025

This award nomination is for NAYGN Excellence Awards, for service or activities performed in the first quarter of 2025 (Jan 1 through Mar 31, 2025). This award is given to individuals or groups who have put in significant effort to accomplish NAYGN’s mission.

Excellence award winners will be announced via the NAYGN LCL call, newsletter and website and awards will be sent to recipients.

For questions or more information, please visit www.naygn.org/committees/awards, or contact awards@naygn.org

This award honors an individual for his/her dedicated service to the NAYGN in one or many of the following ways (not limited to):

  • Exceptional performance, effective leadership, committed service and enthusiasm in general
  • Distinguished service in developing/conducting public education programs on contributions of nuclear science and technology to society.
  • Successful leadership and devoted service contributing to the successful operation of NAYGN local chapters
  • Provided avenues to enhance recruiting and retention of young professionals in the field of nuclear science and technology
  • Provided professional development opportunities for NAYGN members.
  • Played a key role in representing the interests of young nuclear professionals within the industry at industry gatherings and international conferences.
  • Assisted in the developing innovative ways for exchange of information between generations of nuclear professionals
  • Informing and educating the younger generation (high school, university, etc.) about nuclear science and engineering
  • Unique act(s) that is/are aimed in attaining the objectives of NAYGN


  • Provide contact information for you (the nominator) if more information is needed about the nomination.
  • Provide information about the nominee (contact information, NAYGN chapter, etc.). This can be an individual or a group.
  • Describe the activity or action of merit, and how the excellence award criteria is met.
  • Submit a photo. Additional photos supporting the nomination can be sent to awards@naygn.org

Apply or Nominate for an Excellence Award

Drop files here or click to uploadMaximum allowed file size is 50 MB.
Allowed Type(s): .jpg, .png

DEI Commitment

This award nomination abides by the NAYGN Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitment:
Diversity and inclusion are at the core of NAYGN’s mission and values. As an organization, we are committed to ensuring an equitable, authentic, and inclusive culture for our members and the nuclear industry. We will focus on growing our relationships with diverse groups while simultaneously building trust, growth, and creativity across all chapters. NAYGN will continue to learn about and celebrate our members’ differences to foster a positive environment. NAYGN actively seeks and welcomes the participation of underrepresented or marginalized groups including but not limited to: women, persons of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, persons of all ages, persons with disabilities, Indigenous peoples, and other communities.
