Best Chapter in Community Service Award

Expired on: Feb 28, 2025

Best Chapter in Community Service

The Community Service Award recognizes a NAYGN chapter’s exceptional commitment to serving its community through volunteering, charity work, and service initiatives. This award honors chapters that demonstrate a significant focus on giving back to their local communities, showcasing the positive impact of nuclear young professionals. It highlights efforts in donating time, raising funds, and supporting initiatives for local causes, while reinforcing the beneficial role of the nuclear industry in local communities. The submission should showcase a single event conducted in 2024 that demonstrates community service and is described in detail to satisfy the voting rubric. The event may be something that is held annually by the chapter (e.g. an annual charity 5k run), but duplicate submissions for an event that has previously won will not be accepted. Each submission must highlight a distinct event that has not previously won this award.

Clarification and Criteria:

  1. Definition of “Outstanding Focus on Giving Back to the Community”
    • Active engagement in service or volunteer initiatives that directly benefit the local community, showing sustained and meaningful involvement.
    • Projects that align with community needs and foster positive, long-term relationships between the chapter and its community.
    • Efforts that increase awareness of the contributions of nuclear young professionals to the local area.
  2. Examples of Successful Community Service Projects
    • Organizing or participating in charity events, such as food drives, fundraising campaigns, or support for local shelters.
    • Volunteering at community events, such as environmental cleanups, educational outreach, or youth mentorship programs.
    • Supporting local causes or nonprofits through fundraising or direct involvement in their operations, such as partnering with organizations to provide resources for underserved communities.

Suggested Nomination Guidelines:

  • Community Service Projects: Detail the community service project the chapter has completed or been involved in. Highlight the chapter’s specific contributions, such as time spent, funds raised, or resources provided.
  • Focus on Giving Back: Provide details that demonstrate the chapter’s consistent and outstanding commitment to making a positive impact in the community.
  • Impact and Reach: Explain how the chapter’s efforts have had a lasting or measurable impact on the community, such as feedback from community members, growth in volunteer participation, or successful partnerships with local organizations.

Best Chapter in Community Service Grading Rubric:

Alignment with Community NeedsDemonstrates clear commitment to addressing local community needs through meaningful service or volunteer efforts.0-5
Scope and Impact of ProjectsEvidence of significant, positive impact on the community through a completed project, with measurable outcomes.0–5
Innovation and LeadershipInnovative or creative approaches to community service that highlight leadership and engagement of chapter members.0–5
Validation and RecognitionProvides external validation (testimonials, community feedback, media coverage) supporting the effectiveness of initiatives.0–5

Scoring Guidelines:

  • Total possible score: 20 points

Evaluation Process:

  • Each criterion is scored independently by reviewers.
  • Final scores are averaged across reviewers to ensure fairness and consistency.
  • In the event of a tie, a democratic vote will take place within the Awards Committee.
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