Best Chapter in Region Award

Expired on: Feb 28, 2025

Best Chapter in Region

This award recognizes local NAYGN chapters that demonstrate outstanding commitment to supporting the organization’s mission and fostering member growth through social, community service, and professional development activities. The award celebrates chapters that exemplify overall excellence in advancing NAYGN’s goals and serving the industry. The submission should include several events or ongoing initiatives conducted in 2024 that demonstrate the success of the chapter and described in detail to satisfy the voting rubric. The events may include those held annually by the chapter (e.g. an annual charity 5k run) but the submission should focus on the impact the chapter had in 2024. Events mentioned in the submission may include activities that have been submitted for other awards.  

Clarification and Criteria:

  1. Define “Overall Excellence”
    • Excellence is measured by the chapter’s ability to consistently deliver high-quality programs and initiatives that align with NAYGN’s mission.
    • Examples include sustained member engagement, innovative approaches to chapter activities, and measurable contributions to professional and community growth.
  2. Qualifying Activities
    • Social: Events that promote networking, collaboration, and camaraderie among members (e.g., team-building activities, social gatherings).
    • Community Service: Programs that give back to the local community, such as volunteer initiatives or charity drives.
    • Professional Growth: Workshops, training sessions, mentoring programs, or other activities that enhance members’ skills and career development.

Suggested Nomination Guidelines:

  • Activities and Contributions: Detail the specific activities or initiatives the chapter has undertaken to support NAYGN’s mission and members.
  • Demonstration of Excellence: Provide examples of how these activities embody excellence in social, community service, and professional growth. Include measurable outcomes or testimonials where possible.
  • Impact on Members and Industry: Explain how the chapter’s efforts have positively influenced its members and contributed to the broader industry.

Best Chapter in Region Grading Rubric:

Alignment with NAYGN MissionChapter activities clearly support NAYGN’s mission of member growth and industry advancement.0–5
Breadth of ActivitiesDemonstrates a balanced mix of social, community service, and professional growth initiatives.0–5
Quality and InnovationActivities are well-executed, creative, and innovative in engaging members and the community.0–5
Impact and OutcomesEvidence of measurable outcomes or significant positive impact on members and the industry.0–5
Consistency and SustainabilityConsistently delivers programs over time with potential for lasting impact or replication.0–5

Scoring Guidelines:

  • Total possible score: 25 points

Evaluation Process:

  • Each criterion is scored independently by reviewers.
  • Final scores are averaged across reviewers to ensure fairness and consistency.
  • In the event of a tie, a democratic vote will take place within the Awards Committee.
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