Membership Announcements Volume 17, Issue 1

Breaking News

  • Please congratulate the following 3rd Quarter Excellence Award winners!
  • Please welcome our new Midwest Regional Lead; Marisa Seloover!
  • We're collecting nominations for the 2016 annual awards! Nominate an individual for a Future or Founders Award or a chapter for Best in Region or Best in Knowledge Transfer. Nominations close March 10th.
  • Are you a new Local Chapter Lead for 2017?  If you haven’t already done so, please send your contact information to or your Regional Lead to get your information up-to-date on our Chapter Lead Listserv.

Upcoming Events...

  • The 2016 Drawing and Essay Contest are in full swing! The due date for drawing and essay contest submissions has been extended to March 17th.
  • Is your chapter up to something cool? Share your pictures and information with for inclusion in an upcoming Go Nuke article.
  • Early registration is now open for the 2017 joint NEA/NAYGN conference on May 22nd-24th at the Westin Kierland in Scottsdale, Arizona. Check out some of the great pictures from the conference last year!

Get Involved...

  • We are looking for new Webmaster, Membership, Publications and Award Chairs. Contact Communications Chair Monica Beistline if you have experience in or are looking to assist in any of these areas.
  • We are looking for a new Sponsorship Chair. Contact President Natalie Wood if you are interested in this position.
  • Also, check out our other opportunities on the volunteer list.
  • They say if it doesn’t happen on social media, then it didn’t happen!  Make sure you and your fellow NAYGN members are following us on Facebook  and Twitter.

