Membership Newsletter: Drawing Contest Winners, Excellence Awards, and Last Minute Conference News
Contest Winners!
1st: Lillian from North Central Texas Academy (5th grade)

2nd: Payton from Penn Beach Elementary (5th grade)

3rd: Simon from North Central Texas Academy (5th grade)

Q1 Excellence Awards
The Q1 Excellence Awards are open! This award nomination is for service or activities performed in the first quarter of 2019 (January 1 through March 31, 2019). The award is given to individuals or groups who have put in significant effort to accomplish NAYGN’s mission.
Please submit an entry by June 7 via the link below to recognize a fellow NAYGN member.
Welcome our
new Treasurer, Monica Beistline!
Please welcome the new NAYGN Treasurer, Monica Beistline! Monica will be taking on the role beginning Monday, June 3r.
Prior to this role, Monica was formerly the NAYGN
Communications Chair, Northeast Regional Lead, and Twitter Team Lead. Most recently, she was the Exelon East Chair
leading the chapter to win Best Chapter in the Northeast for 2018 by increasing
metrics 162%.
If you’d like to learn more about the treasury role, please contact
Thank you to our 2019 sponsors!
your company sponsor continental NAYGN? Click here
to see the list of current 2019 sponsors (
Our sponsors are vital to funding all the amazing initiatives NAYGN participates in. To request more information on sponsorships, contact
IYNC2020 Call for Papers
The International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) is excited to open the first Call for Papers. An important cornerstone of IYNC has always been the Technical Content. IYNC is a perfect scenario to share your latest works and research with other participants from all around the world as they have always believed that communicating, debating and sharing ideas is a very important factor to move forward. The communication and discussions with other professionals is enhanced by the young spirit of the congress. In this sense, IYNC would like you to participate in this conversation by helping to spread the call for papers within your network.
contributions can be presented in the form of a Poster or an Oral Presentation.
Moreover, the contributions will pass through a peer-review process formed by
the IYNC2020 Technical Track Managers, and the best papers will be published in
the Journal
of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science.
Papers are due to be submitted by July 15, 2019, IYNC will be accepting contributions via the IYNC2020 Indico System.
guidelines, template and protocol for the submission can be also found in the Indico
National Conference News!
Last Chance to Register for the NAYGN/NEA Annual Conference
Last call! If you are interested in attending the flagship conference this year in Washington, DC, please visit this page and register. It’s always an amazing conference with so many chances for professional development and networking. We hope to see you there!
Missed the
conference pre-job brief?
The NAYGN 2019 Professional Development
Conference Pre-Job Brief was conducted last Friday, May 24. The briefing went into detail on what to
expect during the conference, what’s new this year, the conference app, what to
wear, etc. If you missed it, please see
the link to the recorded video below. Runtime for the video is approximately 30
Click here
to play the video.
RSVP for
NAYGN’s 20th Birthday Bash!
NAYGN was created in 1999 by 7 young professionals and today has grown to over 15,000 members since the organization’s inception – we think this is worthy of celebration! If you’re attending the NAYGN/NEA conference, please plan to join us on Sunday, June 2nd at 4:30 PM. to celebrate our history and kick off our next 20 years!
To join, please RSVP.

National Committees Fair
Ready to take our NAYGN relationship to the next level? Please join us during the conference at the National Committees Fair on Monday, June 3rd at 11:00 AM. This will be a great opportunity to meet current committee members and learn how you can become more involved.
With 20 committees to choose from, (Benchmarking, Awards, Student Outreach, Digital Media- to name a few!) we think you’ll find your perfect match! Not heading to the conference this year but want to get more involved? Reach out to to learn about current opportunities.
Foundation for Nuclear Studies Networking Social
Download the NEI EVENTS App
Download the NEI EVENTS app to your phone and find
everything in one place.
- Agenda
- Exhibitors
- Message Attendees
- And More
Search for NEI Events in either the Google Play or Apple App Store to download. Search for NEA and then log in with your email and the password NEA19 (case sensitive).