Membership Newsletter: George’s Energy Adventure Digitally Available, Career Survey Reminder, High School Essay Contest, and Q4 Excellence Awards Nominations

George’s Energy Adventure Now Digitally Available

George’s Energy Adventure is now digitally available for free! If you’ve had the chance to read the book to a classroom or share with family and friends, this digital version is a great opportunity to help expand the reach of George’s adventure. Please share with anyone who think may be interested!
Full Link:
The book is also available
in hard copy on Amazon for
a limited time.
If you have any questions, please contact
Reminder: 2020 Career Report Survey Now Open
The 2019 Career Survey is now open! The results of the survey will be used
to generate the NAYGN 2020 Career Report.
This report goes out to the industry as well as the public and is used
to assess the health of the young nuclear workforce. The survey focuses on several areas of
interest, such as; demographics, salary, career satisfaction, job importance
vs. satisfaction, professional development, nuclear outlook, and NAYGNsatisfaction.
Survey participants will be entered into a raffle for amazing prizes
including an Amazon Echo Dot, Fire TV Stick, and Ring Video Doorbell! All
participants who complete the survey before Thanksgiving will be provided 2
entries to the raffle!
Use the survey link below!
The survey should take between 10 – 15 minutes to finish. Please plan to complete the survey no later
than Friday, December 20.
See the 2018 Career Report here:
All previous Reports can be found here:
If you have any questions, please contact
Reminder: High School Essay Contest
Our High School essay contest is underway! Please share this
information with your local schools.
Eligibility: High School Student (Grades 9-12)
Due Date: December 15, 2019
Essay Prompt: Research energy sources and space
colonization. Propose an informed energy solution that allows for human
habitation on Mars and can provide reliable electricity to sustain life and
advance science. Proposed energy solution should consider the potential
challenges and the energy requirements of the very remote community.
- In this essay, define baseload and intermittent electricity sources.
- Use at least 3 different reliable sources for your research and cite these sources.
- Essay must be between 700 and 1000 words.
Submission: email PDF version to
Prizes will be awarded to the top three submissions.
In addition to the prizes, all top three finalists will receive science books,
the board game Power Grid, and a copy of the documentary Pandora’s Promise.
For more information and questions, please contact
Q4 Excellence Awards Nominations
Nominations for the Q4 Excellence Awards are now open. These nominations will
be for the time period from October 1 through December 31, with nominations
closing on January 15, 2020. To
recognize a follow member of your chapter, we'd encourage your nominations!
Nominate for Q4 Excellence Awards:
2020 Corporate Sponsorship Opportunity
The 2020 sponsorship drive is underway!
Our vision of “Developing leaders to energize the future of nuclear!”
continues to make lasting impacts within our industry and surrounding
communities. The key to our organizational success is the financial support
from our sponsors which allows us to fund our ambitious initiatives and sustain
our high performance. Chapters and members contribute approximately 90,000
hours a year to their nuclear organizations, local communities, and our
industry, while building the skills needed to become strong and effective
future leaders.
In 2020, we hope to sustain our strong performance and celebrate 21 years of
growth and success through targeted initiatives and special events.
If your company is interested in sponsoring NAYGN, we'd encourage to
checkout our sponsorship page for more information.
If you have any questions, please contact
Follow NAYGN on Social Media and Stay in the Loop on the Social Media

For more memes, news, and chapter updates follow us on Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and LinkedIn!