2020 Career Report Released

The North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NAYGN)’s 2020 Career Report reveals that young professionals continue to see a career in nuclear as more than just a job.  Job satisfaction remains high with 87% of those surveyed stating they are satisfied or very satisfied with their job. The most important aspects of the workplace were cited as compensation / pay, flexibility to balance life and work Issues, and paid time off.

Identical to the 2018 report, 47% of respondents are actively or passively looking for new employment (actively or passively) with 18% looking solely outside the nuclear industry. Respondents indicated that their top reasons for leaving the nuclear industry would be attributed to uncertainty around the future of nuclear, lack of advancement / growth opportunities, and lack of work / life balance.

“Our members provided important insights on what they believe will be the most impactful nuclear technology and members feel that we need to extend the life of existing nuclear plants above all other options. This highlights the importance of our role in nuclear advocacy as the industry adapts to economic challenges. The enthusiasm of NAYGN can make a difference in how North America views the importance of nuclear power and keeping our current fleets viable,” said Amber Von Ruden, NAYGN President.

Leadership and management training and increased professional development and advocacy opportunities are desired by members and both NAYGN and the Industry should continue to provide these opportunities to young professionals.

“Our members are eager to develop professionally and as a result of this survey, the NAYGN organization will continue to provide members development opportunities which align with our vision to develop leaders to energize the future of nuclear,” said Von Ruden.

NAYGN chapters remaining actively engaged was a uniform trend across the regions. This is a positive sign of a healthy organization. Members of NAYGN continue to be actively engaged in their career and have a passion for their industry. NAYGN supports and impacts the nuclear industry as the voice of the next generation of nuclear leaders.

NAYGN was established in 1999 and has grown to 77 chapters in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico and members contribute over 90,000 hours annually. NAYGN’s mission is to provide opportunities for a young generation of nuclear enthusiasts to develop leadership and professional skills, create life-long connections, engage and inform the public, and inspire today’s nuclear technology professionals to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

2020 Executive Summary Report

