Membership Announcements Volume 11, Issue 8

Welcome to the 15th Annual NAYGN Drawing Contest!

This year's theme is "Roddy Nuclear Promotes National Nuclear Science Week!"  We are looking for Local Chapters to take the lead in hosting a Drawing Contest in your area.  The drawing contest presentation, member guide, and all supporting materials are now available on the NAYGN website - please click here to access.  The top 5 drawings will be posted for online voting via the Clean Energy Insight webpage and also showcased at the 2013 ANS Conference in Washington, DC, on Novemeber 10-14, 2013.  Drawing contest winners will be chosen by 12/2/13.  Get Excited!


Get Involved!


  • We want to hear from YOU - it’s time for the NAYGN Career Survey!  The NAYGN benchmarking committee has released the survey for all members, and your participation is vital to our success!  CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY.  The survey will take just a couple minutes of your time, is anonymous, and will provide the committee with data for the 2014 NAYGN Career Report.  Act now - the survey closes on November 1The chapter with the highest percentage of participation will receive a prize!  Questions?  Email


  • October 21-25, 2013 is just around the corner and it's time to start planning your outreach activities for National Nuclear Science Week.  There are lots of ideas and materials available on the NNSW website.  Check it out:  Contact the Public Information Committee to share what you and your chapter are planning for NNSW at


  • Introducing the 2013 Public Information Award! Win $500 for your chapter simply by being engaged and active advocates for nuclear energy!  Talk to your local chapter lead and complete an entry form with details of any and all PI-related events being held by your chapter during October and November (National Nuclear Science Week, NAYGN Drawing Contest, Pandora’s Promise events, Facebook and Twitter presence, etc.). Submit your chapter’s entry form to the PI chair by November 22nd. The winning chapter will notified via email on November 27th.


  • There is an online poll being conducted by the Patriot-Ledger regarding the future of nuclear energy.“Do you think nuclear power still has a future in the United States?”What do you think?  Click here and scroll down the right side of the page.  Vote and share your thoughts!

    Though unofficial, these polls can still influence readers, so your participation is greatly appreciated. Please note that polls can be taken down at the newspaper's discretion so please vote today, and feel free to share this link with family and friends that support nuclear energy.

    Thank you for taking the time to show your support for nuclear power. Click here now and vote!


  • Are you always finding new, interesting articles on the Nuclear Industry? Are you constantly on Facebook or Twitter?  The Communications Committee is looking for a new Publications Chair and volunteers for the Social Media Committee.  Contact if you are interested.


  • It's almost time!  The NAYGN Benchmarking Committee will be conducting a member survey this month, and we need everyone's participation.  This survey will be an update to the 2012 NAYGN Career survey.  Click here to review past NAYGN surveys!  Look for the link to the new survey in a future Membership Announcement.





  • 2013 Young Professional Congress RegistrationIt is time to register for the Young Professional Congress (YPC). This jointly organized NAYGN and ANS Young Members Group (YMG) meeting is held in conjunction with the 2013 ANS Winter Meeting.The one-day program will provide a unique opportunity for young professionals in the nuclear industry to develop actionable skills and to broaden their network.When: Saturday, November 9, 2013Where: Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.Registration: Members of the ANS and NAYGN are both encouraged to attend. Please note that attendance for the full ANS meeting is not required to attend YPC. ANS members can attend the one day YPC for $35 and non-ANS members can attend for $75.You are also invited to participate in the YMG-sponsored Hill Visit on Thursday, November 14.To prepare participants for this event, a Communicating Effectively with Your Representative.  Prep session will take place Wednesday, November 13.For more information, contact Gale Hauck at


  • The next NAYGN Professional Development conference will be held in Scottsdale, AZ in May 2014.   The conference will focus on innovation in the nuclear industry as it applies to young professionals.  Examples of innovation include (but are not limited to) nuclear technology, workforce development, regulatory processes, public information and outreach, and/or chapter health and development.  The Professional Development Committee is in search of both ideas for the conference and outstanding young professionals to lead facilitated discussions, presentations, and to manage sessions with industry experts.  Please contact with innovative ideas (best practices or recommendations for further innovation) or to volunteer for the PD committee.  Several of the best ideas will be selected for a report/presentation to industry executives.


Also in the News...


  • Slides from the September 18th webinar with NEI's Richard Myers, "Perspective on Trends in U.S. Electricity Markets and Nuclear Power Plant Shutdowns" are now available.  Click here to learn more.


  • Still haven’t seen Pandora’s Promise? Tune in to CNN Thursday, Nov. 7 at 9:00pm to 11:00pm EST , encore at 12:00am to 2:00am EST to see the film!

