Membership Announcement Volume 12, Issue 35

Breaking News...

  • Congratulations to the five 17th Annual Drawing Contest finalists: Miranda Overstreet, Yuvie Singh, Celia Cleary, Mackenzie Dunn, and Abigail Roy. VOTE NOW for your favorite Nuclear Energy Packs a Punch drawing!   The deadline to vote for the winner is December 22nd, 2015 and this year's winner will receive many prizes including being featured at the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History. Nineteen chapters participated this year reaching out to over 3,000 students teaching them about how atoms can be used to make electricity and about the enormous energy density of nuclear power.
  • Please congratulate the following 2nd Quarter 2015 Excellence Award winners!
  • The Hub (Winner of 2014 Innovation Competition): The Hub Steering Committee has completed test cases and is ready to begin a pilot program in early 2016. Yesterday, Sandra Steward (Energy Northwest) and Steve Odell (Westinghouse) proposed the pilot program to the Nuclear Strategic Advisory Council (NSAIC) which was very well received.  Kudos to Sandra and Steve!  Please stay tuned with future communications about the Hub.  NAYGN chapters will be needed to lead the pilot.
  • Our website has been overhauled, have you checked it out yet! If not, be sure to log in and update your profile now!
  • 2016 Call for Sponsorship- 2016 sponsorship letters were sent to the local chapter. If you did not receive your 2016 sponsorship letter or have any questions regarding sponsorship, please contact Carissa Butler or Kristin McCoskey.

Get Involved...

  • Do you enjoy engaging the public on nuclear energy?  Are you social media savvy?  Do you post, comment, and share often on Facebook?  Do you like to use #hashtags?  If this sounds like you, we want you to be part of the NAYGN Facebook team. Interested persons should contact the NAYGN Communications Chair.