Frequently Asked Questions



The North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NAYGN) was founded to provide opportunities for a young generation of nuclear enthusiasts to develop strong leadership and professional skills, create lifelong connections, engage and inform the public, and inspire today’s nuclear technology professionals to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

We provide our members opportunities to focus their energy towards improving the nuclear industry and communicating with the public about the benefits of nuclear energy. As a grassroots volunteer organization, NAYGN members decide and develop the content that NAYGN brings.

Joining NAYGN is free and easy! Members receive regular email updates on current events and activities relevant to the nuclear science and technology community. NAYGN members can also get involved with their local chapters.

Yes! You can join NAYGN regardless of your age. We also encourage experienced professionals who are new to the nuclear industry to join NAYGN.

You get to choose the level of involvement in your local chapter of NAYGN or at the continental level. Local chapters provide many great opportunities and you choose which activities you would like to participate in.

Check the Chapter List to see if there is an existing chapter near you. You can also reach out to your regional lead or our operating officers. US members can reach out to and Canadian members can reach out to

Before you begin, we recommend checking the Chapter List to see if there is an existing chapter near you. If there aren't, we're here to help! See our Start a New Chapter page for step-by-step instructions.


Most members log into their NAYGN account using their email. You can update your login email by logging into your account. Once you're logged in, go to your Profile. From there, click on the gear icon to access your "My Account" page. You should now have the option to update your email address as well as your first/last name.

If you have any issues, please reach out to

If you've forgotten your password and you have a secondary email added to your profile, you can recover your account by requesting a new password. An email will be sent to both your primary and secondary email. Follow the instructions to update your account.

If you don't have a secondary email added to your profile, please reach out to the Technology Officer at for assistance. You can also contact your Operating Officer, for US members, or or Canadian members. 

Contact your regional lead or your country operating officer for assistance. US members can reach out to and Canadian members can reach out to

You can update your chapter affiliation by logging into your account. Once you're logged in, go to your Profile. From there, click on the gear icon to "Edit Profile". When you scroll down to the "NAYGN Membership Information" section, you should now have the option to update your "Current NAYGN Chapter" using the drop-down menu. If you don't see your company or organization listed, please reach out to your Operating Officer, for US members, or or Canadian members, or the Technology Officer to have it added.

If you have any issues, please reach out to

You can update your chapter affiliation by logging into your account. Once you're logged in, go to your Profile. From there, click on the gear icon to "Edit Profile". When you scroll down to the "Work Information" section, you should now have the option to update your "Company Affiliation" using the drop-down menu. If you don't see your company or organization listed, please reach out to your Operating Officer, for US members, or or Canadian members, or the Technology Officer to have it added.

If you have any issues, please reach out to


All activities that your chapter has participated in should be recorded. Please choose the category that best fits your activity: Professional Development, Networking/Social, Public Information, or Community Service.

Ensure that you record the amount of time spent on the activity, plus any time that was used to prepare for the activity.
For activities extending over multiple days such as conferences or overnight trips, record “contact hours” (for instance, you would exclude time spent sleeping). However, do include time spent traveling (over and above a typical commute), since this is also member-volunteered time.

January 1 through December 31 of each year.

You can use the metrics from your chapter to show your executive sponsor what you have been doing for the past year. These metrics can be helpful when asking for budget for future activities. Consider writing a newsletter article for your chapter or company newsletter to spread the word about your chapter’s activities. You can use the overall NAYGN metrics to show NAYGN’s value to the industry.

Record the number of participants as the number of people from your local chapter who participated in the event, whether or not they are members of the continental NAYGN organization. (Reminder: membership to NAYGN is free! This is a good opportunity to remind your local chapter members to register with NAYGN).

The reach metric is a measure of how many members of the general public your chapter impacts, and is split between Public Information and Community Service activities. For example, if 10 members of your chapter attended a two-hour town hall meeting where 150 members of the general public were in attendance, you would record 20 public information hours and a reach of 150.

For larger events, such as conferences and exhibitions where many thousands of people may be in attendance, the reach of your chapter may not extend to all attendees. In this case, record the number of individual interactions your chapter had, such as the number of visitors to your chapter’s booth, the number of participants in your chapter’s activity, or another comparable measure.

There may be instances in which an in-person interaction is not the best measure of your chapter’s reach. Examples of this would be postcards sent, meals delivered, or other similar metrics. In this case, include these easily quantifiable accomplishments in your reach totals. Refrain from less easily quantified measures.

To avoid double-counting, work with the other chapter leads to develop a reasonable allocation for the hours and reach totals. For example, if Chapter A volunteered 10 person-hours and Chapter B volunteered 30 person-hours at a community event with a total reach of 100, an equitable assignment of reach metrics would be 25 to Chapter A and 75 to Chapter B.

Submit Your Metrics

We are currently looking into ways to allow members to edit their entries. In the meantime, please reach out to your Operating Officer (, or the Technology Officer (

Privacy Policy

North American Young Generation in Nuclear's Privacy Policy can be viewed at

Website Questions

You may report website issues (such as typos and broken links) as well as request new website features by using this Google Form

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