Membership Announcements Volume 12, Issue 5

Breaking News...  

  • The Recruiting and Retention committee has developed a presentation for chapters recruiting among local high schools and colleges. It provides an introduction to nuclear power and career opportunities. Feel free to make it your own by adding chapter or company specific information. Click here to learn more. 


Get Involved! 

  •  How does your chapter keep in touch? Do you prefer Facebook, Sharepoint, or something totally different? The Recruiting and Retention committee wants to know! Click here to complete a three-minute survey to tell us about your NAYGN communication preferences.


  • Nuclear Matters is looking for engagement support on their social media initiatives – take a look at their website and consider connecting with them on Facebook or Twitter



Click here to check out the NAYGN event calendar and learn more about the below events!

Regional Conferences

  • Southeast Regional Conference - August 12 - August 15, 2014
  • Atlantic-Northeast Joint Regional Event - August 15 - August 17, 2014


  • 2014 Career Report Webinar - Thursday July 24th @ 2pm EDT
  • Public Information Webinar:  "School Outreach Lessons Learned" - August 28, 2014