2016 4th Quarter NAYGN Excellence Award Winners
Leah Kutches (Exelon West)
Tremendous commitment to Community Service, creating and maintaining a partnership with a local food pantry, resulting in reoccurring volunteer events that have enabled over 100 volunteers to make an impact at the food pantry.
Enzo Martinez (Exelon West)
Organized fundraising event to support Relay for Life including themed t-shirts, 50/50 raffle, bake sale, "premiere" parking spot raffle and competitive tournament competitions.
Carolina Regional Event Team (Brett Rampal, Adam Reichenbach, Samuel Johnson)
Demonstrated teamwork, leadership, and adaptability planning and executing the final Carolinas regional event of 2016.
Kelley Harrington (Westinghouse Pittsburgh)
Enthusiasm for NAYGN, willingness to grow, and passion for educating the public is truly inspiring. Including exceptional organization of the chapters drawing contest efforts.
Matt Estby (WECTEC/Westinghouse)
Educated younger generation about benefits of the nuclear industry through the discussion of safety measures, jobs created by a power plant, and the prevalence of nuclear power in North Carolina.
Scott Schachner (Duke Energy)
Enthusiasm for nuclear outreach expressed through programming of the Lego reactor the was built for Nuclear Science Week resulting in a hands on demo for member of the public.
Eliza Wadson (Duke Energy)
Effective leadership and provided great professional development opportunities and should be recognized with a Excellence Award.
Significant effort throughout the year leading to over 3000 hours of participation at her site in 2016, a new record for Brunswick. Specifically in the 4th quarter of 2016, she ensured her site finished the year strong with 8 events over that 3 month period, a fantastic accomplishment.
Duke Winter Professional Development Meeting Team (Brad Medlin, JC Edwards, Amanda Lang, Alyse Scurlock, Jon Gomes, Drew Clifton)
Significant effort planning and executing the winter professional development conference including a tour and discussion of a pump storage station, a letter writing campaign, and an accountability training.
Duke IMPACT Team (Alyse Scurlock, Amanda Lang, Christine Johnsen, Anne McGovern, Andy Kalchik, Seth Weir, Ashley Marlowe, Meaghann Zeiner)
Exerted significant amount of effort creating a proposal and pursuing approval for a nuclear themed children's book.
Elliott Wilson (HNP NAYGN)
Strived for further excellence to increase metrics and members including providing professional development and mentoring.
GE Nuclear Science Week Planning Committee (Derek Bass, Maria Pfeffer, Weston Cundiff, Dana Miranda, Braxton Jackson, Hollyn Phelps, Aaron Smith, Sarah DeSilva, Kevin Cass)
Valuable contributions to the 2016 Nuclear Science Week Big Event hosting over 1,500 participants, creating a social media buzz!
Dan O'Donnell (Enercon)
Effective leadership keeping the Region active and engaged, active contributor to Regional projects, and help solve chapter issues in his region.