2018 Continental SENSEI Award Winners

Congratulations to the first Continental SENSEI Award winners!

      Please join us in congratulating the first 16 recipients of the NAYGN Continental SENSEI Award. The SENSEI Award - which stands for Seasoned Employee/Non-Seasoned Employee Interface - honors mentors who have gone above and beyond to help younger nuclear employees grow and thrive in their careers.

      While Knowledge Transfer and Retention (KT&R) has long been identified as an area for improvement within the nuclear industry, NAYGN recognizes the excellent examples of positive KT&R happening all around us thanks to our outstanding mentors. The following award winners were selected by a NAYGN committee from the nominations submitted by NAYGN members across the continent:


  • Russ Andrews, Duke Energy
  • Don Baker, Southern Nuclear Company
  • Tim Beidleman, Duke Energy
  • Paul Bratton, Duke Energy
  • Guntis "Busch" Goncarovs, NextEra Energy
  • David Goetcheus, Tennessee Valley Authority
  • John Gunn, Arizona Public Serice
  • Rory Ingham, Bruce Power
  • Nirmal Jain, Westinghouse
  • John Krieger, American Electric Power
  • Eric Loewen, GE Hitachi
  • James Schilling, Rolls Royce
  • Gary Siegfried, NextEra Energy
  • Douglas Withers, Arizon Public Service
  • Kevin "K.C." Wright, Framatome Inc.
  • Joe Zecca, Exelon Generation