2020 Annual Awards Nominations Open!

NAYGN 2020 Annual award nominations are now due on SUNDAY, MARCH 28th!
It’s an exciting time where chapters and individuals will be rewarded for all their hard work planning and executing activities while implementing the NAYGN pillars and principles.
We're looking forward to hearing how chapters still managed to have outstanding NAYGN success even during this terrible global pandemic.
Many awards haven’t received a nomination yet, so if you were wondering if you can still have a chance to be recognized, please submit. And remember most chapters were in similar situations of having their activities affected by COVID, so don’t let that stop you from highlighting what your chapter did.
The Annual Awards:
Best Chapter in Region:
This Award recognizes the efforts of local NAYGN chapters for services related to the growth of members through social, community service, and professional growth activities. This award salutes chapters for overall excellence in supporting NAYGN’s mission and members and serving the industry.
Best Chapter in Knowledge Transfer and Retention:
This Award recognizes a local chapter’s commitment to addressing Knowledge Transfer and Retention (KTR) in the nuclear industry. This award salutes chapters for meeting NAYGN KTR objectives and innovating/advancing KTR practices. Special consideration is given to chapters that corroborate their achievements with references or other recognition.
Best Chapter in Public Information:
This award recognizes a chapter’s outstanding impact to engaging and informing the public.
Best Chapter in Professional Development:
This award recognizes a chapter’s commitment and impact in developing the next generation of nuclear professionals.
Individual Achievement Award: This award recognizes members that strongly exemplify the pillars and mission of NAYGN, as nominated by their peers. Recipients may be recognized for exceptional leadership within NAYGN or outstanding participation in NAYGN events.
Best Chapter in Diversity and Inclusion:
The Diversity and Inclusion award recognizes a chapter’s commitment to significantly promoting diversity, inclusion, and cultural competency development among their site and community. This award is meant to highlight chapters efforts to address key areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion; lead initiatives in capturing outcomes of increased awareness and understanding; implementing steps towards fostering a inclusive environment; or improving cultural competency through educational initiatives.
Best Chapter in Community Service:
The Community Service award recognizes a chapter’s commitment to their community through service, volunteering, and charity. This award is intended for chapters that have demonstrated an outstanding focus on giving back to the community for which they serve and honoring those chapters that are making positive impacts to their community. This award highlights efforts of donating time, raising funds, or supporting initiatives for local causes while demonstrating to local areas the beneficial impacts of nuclear young professionals.
Best Up and Coming Chapter Award:
The Best Up and Coming Chapter award recognizes a chapter who has made significant steps to grow or have taken significant steps to become an active, innovative, pioneering, or leading chapter in NAYGN. This is intended to highlight a chapter that might have been recently started or became dormant, but has recently made efforts to stand back up their organization and have revitalized members through initiatives, activities, and programs.
Best Overall Chapter Achievement Award:
This award is given from those selected from the Best Chapter in the Region and is presented as a surprise at the NAYGN Annual Professional Development Conference.
Individual Achievement Award:
The purpose of the Individual Achievement Award is to bridge the gap between the Excellence Awards, which are given for quarterly efforts and the Future Award which has historically been given for the creation of new initiatives (Innovation Competition, Clean Energy Insight Blog, etc.).
Future Award:
This award recognizes the efforts of an individual, or a group that best exemplifies the mission of NAYGN to prepare and plan for the future of the young generation in the field of nuclear science and technology in an innovative or unique way.
Founder’s Award:
In 1999, seven people set forth to create an organization that embodied the spirit of young professionals in the nuclear industry. Their goal was to provide an organization that united these young professionals who believe in nuclear science and technology and are working together throughout North America to share their passion. This is the highest award given by NAYGN to an individual. It is presented to a member of NAYGN who exemplifies the efforts of the organization’s Founders.