CNSC DNNP Intervention on Behalf of NAYGN Durham Chapter Recap

On January 9th, the NAYGN Durham Chapter and Matthew Mairinger (on behalf of the NAYGN continental organization) intervened in the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) public hearing for the Ontario Power Generation Darlington New Nuclear Project, for the construction license for a small modular reactor (SMR). For NAYGN Durham, three members spoke – Jonathan Jeyarajah, Spring Fu and Avleen Sindhar, highlighting the importance of SMRs in achieving net-zero climate goals and meeting Ontario’s increasing energy demand.
CNSC hearings provide a platform for the public to express their views on nuclear proceedings, particularly in relation to licensing and regulatory processes for Canada’s nuclear operations. These hearings offer nuclear companies like OPG the opportunity to present their work, while enabling the public to influence nuclear programs and their associated supported initiatives, ensuring the needs of host communities and stakeholders are addressed. NAYGN’s participation represents the voice of young professionals in the nuclear field, as their involvement underscores the importance of youth engagement in determining the future of nuclear energy.
Ultimately, the NAYGN intervention represents how young professionals play a vital role in the future of nuclear energy. By advocating for the development of SMR technology, NAYGN not only supports innovative solutions for Ontario’s energy industry, but also demonstrates the importance of youth involvement in influencing a sustainable, low-carbon future. While the nuclear industry evolves, the significance of young professions remaining engaged, voicing their perspectives, and contributing to on-going creations will structure the future of energy in Canada.
To watch the intervention, find the following links below:
NAYGN Durham Intervention (starts at 48:45)
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Stream) (download)
NAYGN Continental (Matthew Mairinger)
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (Stream)