Membership Announcements Volume 11, Issue 10
Act Now! We want to hear from YOU.
Click Here to Take the NAYGN Career Survey! Your participation is vital to our success! The survey is anonymous and will take you just a couple of minutes to complete. The data you provide will be collected for the 2014 NAYGN Career Report. The deadline has been extended to November 15! Respond today and your chapter could win the prize for highest participation! Questions? Email
Get Involved!
- The top 5 Drawing Contest finalists have been chosen – vote now for your favorite (vote here)! The finalists include Alicia (NAYGN Vogtle), Dixon (NAYGN GEH Wilmington), Luke (NAYGN Westinghouse), Emily (NAYGN Susquehanna), and Liana (NAYGN Exelon). Online voting will remain open until December 6, 2013 and is available to anyone, so encourage your friends and family members to vote for their favorite as well. Thank you to all our chapters who participated this year – your involvement makes a big difference in promoting and educating on nuclear energy! Click here to see NAYGN members Alejandra Villarreal and Steve Ward promote NAYGN and encourage voting for the top 5 at the ANS Winter Conference in Washington, DC, 11/10/13.
- NAYGN reaches 10,000 members! Click here to read reflections from past NAYGN leaders.
- Introducing the 2013 Public Information Award! Win $500 for your chapter simply by being engaged and active advocates for nuclear energy! Talk to your local chapter lead and complete an entry form with details of any and all PI-related events being held by your chapter during October and November (National Nuclear Science Week, NAYGN Drawing Contest, Pandora’s Promise events, Facebook and Twitter presence, etc.). Submit your chapter’s entry form to the PI chair by November 22nd. The winning chapter will notified via email on November 27th.
- Are you always finding new, interesting articles on the Nuclear Industry? Are you constantly on Facebook or Twitter? The Communications Committee is looking for a new Publications Chair and volunteers for the Social Media Committee. Contact if you are interested.
- The Recruitment & Retention Committee is requesting presentations. If you or your chapter have useful operating experience or lessons learned from presentations given to local schools, universities, or visiting groups about a variety of topics, including an overview of your site, NAYGN, or special projects, please send them to These ideas will be used to create generic slideshows for NAYGN membership to reference when creating and giving future presentations. If you have any questions, feel free to ask Lauren!
- The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's rulemaking to address "Waste Confidence" issues is now in the 75-day public comment phase. In addition to the written comments that any member of the public may file by the Dec. 20 deadline, the NRC is holding 12 public meetings throughout the country to obtain additional input from the public. It is important that the meetings produce as balanced a record as possible and, even more so, that each member's local constituents/stakeholders hear the views of industry and/or supportive third parties - including NAYGN. The meetings are organized to allow registered speakers to make a 3-5 minute statement. To facilitate NEI's coordination of the industry's active participation in these meetings, please send an email to Christine Csizmadia at to let us know how your chapter will be participating.NAYGN encourages members to participate in the NRC waste confidence meetings as individual NAYGN members. Please highlight NAYGN and use the below talking points and the links provided by NEI to develop your comments:
- NAYGN is the premier organization for young professionals that have interest in nuclear science and technology.
NAYGN proudly represents over 10,000 members across 110 chapters in the US, Canada, and Mexico.
- NAYGN sees a bright future for nuclear technology and seeks a healthy industry capable of progress and future innovation.
- NAYGN applauds the NRC's efforts on completing a rulemaking to address "waste confidence" issues. Storage scenarios and long term energy planning are essential for the future of nuclear science and technology.
- The next NAYGN Professional Development conference will be held in Scottsdale, AZ in May 2014. The conference will focus on innovation in the nuclear industry as it applies to young professionals. Examples of innovation include (but are not limited to) nuclear technology, workforce development, regulatory processes, public information and outreach, and/or chapter health and development. The Professional Development Committee is in search of both ideas for the conference and outstanding young professionals to lead facilitated discussions, presentations, and to manage sessions with industry experts. Please contact with innovative ideas (best practices or recommendations for further innovation) or to volunteer for the PD committee. Several of the best ideas will be selected for a report/presentation to industry executives.