Membership Announcements Volume 11, Issue 19
Breaking News...
- Don't Forget to Register for the NAYGN Professional Development Conference! The conference will be held in Scottsdale, AZ in May 18 - 20, 2014. Click here to register and find out more information! Featuring a Key Note address from Ted Nordhaus, Chairman of the Breakthrough Institute and Roberta B. Ness, MD, MPH, dean of the University of Texas School of Public Health and author of  Innovation Generation: How to produce creative and useful scientific ideas.
- Our nation’s nuclear energy plants are vital national assets. Join Nuclear Matters to help us inform the public about the clear benefits that nuclear energy provides to our nation, raise awareness of the economic challenges to nuclear energy that threaten those benefits, and to work with stakeholders to explore possible policy solutions that properly value nuclear energy. Visit our website and sign-up to receive the latest information on the campaign and the tools you will need to tell everyone why nuclear matters.
Get Involved!
- Do you have an eye for photography? We are looking for a few volunteers to take picutres during the 2014 Professional Development Conference in Scottsdale, AZ. If you are interested or would like more information, contact Steve Ward at
- Do you have an idea that could revolutionize the nuclear energy industry? If yes, you should compete in NAYGN’s 2014 Innovation Competition. Young professionals will have the opportunity to vet their ideas with their peers and industry experts at the upcoming NAYGN PD Workshop. The inventor of the best idea will be awarded an opportunity to pitch their concept to all US Chief Nuclear Officers at an upcoming meeting. This is a great opportunity for young professionals. httpÂ
-  Thinking About Becoming a Registered Professional Nuclear Engineer? The next administration of the NCEES/ANS Nuclear Engineers Examinations will be October 24th, 2014. Visit the NCEES Website for more information regarding your state’s requirements. The American Nuclear Society will hold an exam Prep Workshop on June 15th. Register on the ANS Website.
- The next NAYGN Professional Development Webinar will be held on April 30 from 3 to 4 pm. Mr. David Sledzik from GEH will present on the “Value of Natural Circulation.” Please visit the NAYGN event page to register for the webinar.
- NAYGN Canadian Professional Development Seminar to be held on May 25, 2014 at the Metro Toronto Convention Center in Toronto, Ontario. Contact for volunteering at the event. More updates to come.
- IYNC 2014 registration is now open.   Travel grants are now available. For further information about IYNC 2014, visit