Membership Announcements Volume 12, Issue 27
Breaking News...
- 1st Quarter Excellence Awards will be closing July 3rd. Nominate someone in your chapter or committee for their exceptional performance, effective leadership, committed service, and enthusiasm now!
- This year, NAYGN conducted its fifth advocacy day on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, in conjunction with the professional development conference and the Nuclear Energy Assembly. 265 NAYGN members, from 32 states and 99 congressional districts, conducted over 110 meetings with members of Congress and their staff. A number of teams met directly with members and many more met with staffers who work on energy policy, making it a very impactful day of advocacy for the nuclear industry. To catch up on the events from the day you can click on the hashtag, #IAmANuclearAdvocate, to see the action that took place on Twitter.
Get Involved...
- NAYGN is seeking volunteers with web design experience to assist with the current effort to improve the NAYGN membership database. The one-time effort will be taking place this summer and is a great way to get involved and help out on an important issue without a major long-term commitment. For information, contact the Carolinas Regional Lead Christine Johnsen.
- Think Benchmarking is boring? Think again! This benchmark helps NAYGN determine success factors!Join today to make the benchmarking effort a huge success! For information, contact Tim Rogers.
- The annual Canadian Professional Development Conference will be held in Toronto, Ontario on August 22nd, 2015. The topic this year will be "Nuclear Dollars and Sense," and they are looking for volunteers to assist with the event. To assist, register.
- The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) requests a partnership with the nuclear energy industry. NAYGN seeks four more volunteers for a leadership team to setup outreach events with NSBE chapters during National Nuclear Science Week (NNSW) of October 19‑24, 2015. Contact