Membership Newsletter: Career Report Released!
2020 Career Report Released
As as a result of the 2019 Benchmarking Survey and all the hard work of our Benchmarking Committee, we have published the 2020 Career Report!
The goal of this survey and report is to get the pulse of the young generation within the nuclear industry. We asked questions focused around salary, job satisfaction, work / life balance, local / government support, and may more.
These results are all captured in the 2020 Career Report.
Thank you to everyone that participated in the survey and a special thanks to our Benchmarking Committee for their time, effort, and commitment to completing this report!

2019 Annual Awards Recap
Last week, we announced all of our 2019 Annual Award recipients on our Facebook page.
Congratulations to all of the winners. You all deserve it!!
Individual Achievement Winners:
- Emma Paul, Bruce Power
- Umar Faraz, Framatome Inc.
- Charles Melton, Southern Nuclear
- Amanda Smith, Dominion Energy
- Michael Hayes, Tennessee Valley Authority
- Jim Schilling, Westinghouse Electric Company
- Jenny Gourley, INPO
- Ce'Nedra Darragh, Dominion Energy
- Diego Carvallo, Southern Nuclear
- Mara Levy, Exelon
- Daniel Deckman, PSEG
Best Chapter In Professional Development:
- PSEG, Hope Creek and Salem
Best Chapter In Public Information:
- Duke Energy
Best Chapter In Knowledge Transfer & Retention:
- Entergy, Grand Gulf
- Atlantic: Dominion Energy, Innsbrook
- Canada: Bruce Power
- Carolinas: Dominion Energy, VC Summer
- Midwest: Exelon - West
- Northeast: Energy Harbor, Beaver Valley
- Southeast: Southern Nuclear, Vogtle 1&2
- West: Arizona Public Service - APS, Palo Verde
- Natalie Wood, Entergy
- George's Energy Adventure team (Book here)
- Energy Harbor, Beaver Valley

Committee Openings and Opportunities
Now is the time to get involved in an NAYGN Committee! The Committees consistently produce awesome content (see Career Report and Awards above) and are a great way to bridge the gap between your local chapter and the national organization.
We have several openings that we think you'd be a great fit for!
Awards ( Lead or help select our quarterly excellence award and annual award winners.
- Committee Chair
- Contributor
Sponsorship ( Lead or help expand our reach with new or existing sponsors so that we can continue to lead the young generation.
- Committee Chair
- Contributor
Engagement ( Help the Board of Directors by advising and planning exciting new ways to engage our membership.
- Contributor
Student Outreach( Work with the Public Information team to plan fun events like Drawing Contest and Essay Contest and create content for classroom visits.
- Contributor
Government Outreach ( Work with Public Information team on advocacy opportunities, post card push day, and reaching to state / federal legislators.
- Contributor
Digital ( Help maintain and update the NAYGN website by focusing on new technologies and designs.
- Committee Chair
- Contributor
Webinar( Lead and help plan ways to engage our membership with different digital professional development, networking, and knowledge transfer sessions.
- Committee Chair
- Contributor
Social Media ( Take the lead on curating and planning content to be published to our many social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and now TikTok!)
- Committee Chair
- Contributor
Publications ( Curate and produce content for our routine newsletters and Go Nuke articles published to our website.
- Committee Chair
- Contributor
Pulse Survey - Working From Home
Ideally, how frequently would you like to perform your work remotely?
Not at all
Things to Know
Puerto Rico Nuclear Feasibility Study Published
The preliminary feasibility study of small modular reactors and microreactors for Puerto Rico is here! This study was funded by the United States Department of Energy and led by the Nuclear Alternative Project (NAP), the first non-profit organization founded by Puerto Rican engineers in the U.S. nuclear industry and proud University of Puerto Rico alumni.
The final report can be downloaded at this link:
Jun 18, 2020 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Register to the GAIN-ANS webinar to learn more!
Webinar: Nuclear’s role in a clean, post-COVID recovery
Join CNA on June 4 @ 12 PM EST when the CNA’s John Gorman hosts a conversation with WNA Director General Agenta Rising about nuclear’s strong role in post-COVID energy plans and the benefits of investment in clean energy as a response to this pandemic. Also hear an update on the WNA’s Harmony Program goals and objectives.
Jun 4, 2020 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Register Here
High Voltage Rotating Machines Seminar
During this webinar key factors influencing degradation of HV rotating machine critical components (stator winding, stator core), degradation advancement impact, and relevant critical component failure minimizing methods, will be discussed. Main topics include:
- HV rotating machine condition deterioration mechanisms
- Factors affecting HV insulation condition
- Economic impact of power generator failure
- HV stator winding failure minimizing methods
- Advantages of the life cycle approach to HV rotating machines
Jun 11, 2020 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Register Here
NAYGN Submits Intervention to Global First Power CNSC Hearing
Canadian Operating Officer, Matthew Mairinger, submitted an intervention letter to the Global First Power Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) on behalf of NAYGN detailing the reasons why Canada would benefit from a Micro Modular reactor design.
Public Information: Student Outreach Meet and Greet
Curious what the Public Information Student Outreach team does?
Join us to meet & greet with like-minded NAYGN members who want to be involved in:
- Drawing Contest
- Essay Contest
- Classroom Visits
- Children’s books
- Teacher workshops
- And More!
We will do an icebreaker and then brainstorm ideas for 2020 Student Outreach (specifically virtual ideas!)
June 4, 2020 | 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Dial-In: 1-704-659-4701
Conference ID: 685 023 942#
Keep the #U235Challenge Chain Reaction Going!
A few weeks ago, we started the U235 Challenge on social media. The goal of the challenge is simple.
- U : You
- 2 : Work on two new habits
- 3 : Practice your habit at least three times a week
- 5 : For 5 minutes a day over the course of 5 weeks
If you've started already, how's it going so far? If you haven't started yet, pick out a few new habits you want to work on and challenge your friends!
Share your #Proud2BeNuclear Story
To continue to showcase why being involved in the nuclear energy industry makes a positive impact on our families, communities, and environment, we are asking you to share your #Proud2BeNuclear story with us or on social media.
We all have our reasons to be proud and we want to hear them all!
Next Book Club Book Announced
The next book we will reading and discussing during our Book Club is....
“Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me)” by Elliot Aronson and Carol Tavris
Renowned social psychologists Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson take a compelling look at how the brain is wired for self-justification. When we make mistakes, we must calm the cognitive dissonance that jars our feelings of self-worth. And so we create fictions that absolve us of responsibility, restoring our belief that we are smart, moral, and right—a belief that often keeps us on a course that is dumb, immoral, and wrong.
Backed by years of research, Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me) offers a fascinating explanation of self-deception—how it works, the harm it can cause, and how we can overcome it. Be advised: You will never be able to shun blame quite so casually again.
The Professional Development is currently finalizing the dates for the next meetings. Please contact with any questions.