Membership Newsletter: Core Nominations, Annual Awards, Book Club, and 2020 Strategic Plan

Are you ready to take your NAYGN participation to the next level?! Nominations are now being accepted for the annual NAYGN Core Elections.
This year, Vice President, Treasurer, Canadian Affairs Chair and Professional Development are open for election and all positions begin in May 2020. Check out our bylaws and our current team to learn about the roles and responsibilities of each position.
Please email Past President, Christine Johnsen, if you are interested or if you’d like to nominate another NAYGN member. Nominations will be accepted until February 7th.

Annual Awards Open
Our annual awards nominations are open for activities performed during the 2019 calendar year. Full information on the different type of Awards is available on the website.

Book Club
We hope you plan to join us on January 23rd to review chapters 1-13 of “How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big” by Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert.
We will be discussing questions like:
- What can we learn from studying successful people?
- How can we maximize our chances of success, accounting for the role of luck in the outcome?
- And more...
Add to your Calendar and join the Web-Ex on the 23rd! You can join as an individual, group, or chapter. Contact if you have any questions.

2020 Strategic Plan
The NAYGN Board has finalized the organizations 2020 Strategic Plan and set our goals for this year.
Our key focuses are:
- Strengthening NAYGN’s Industry Leadership
- Improving the Membership Experience
- Fortifying NAYGN’s Organizational Health
We encourage you to check out this plan and provide us with any feedback you may have. We are looking forward to making 2020 another breakthrough year for this organization!

Social Media Contest
The social contest is ongoing and the deadline to submit is Valentine's Day, Feb 14th. The contest is open to everyone and there will be $1000 worth of prizes up for grabs. The theme of the contest is, “Nuclear on the Human Scale” (think football fields, coke cans, etc.).
You can submit a meme, video, or infographic to #FallInLoveWithU on any social platform or via! There will be a winner of each category, and then an overall winner. You can submit as many times as you like!