Membership Newsletter: Diversity and Inclusion Follow-Up

Diversity and Inclusion Follow-Up
Over the past 30 days as an organization we have reflected and begun to take action on how we can do better. We first started by establishing the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. This committee was chartered to review the current state of diversity and inclusion in the NAYGN organization and form actions and initiatives to make NAYGN a more diverse and inclusive environment. Additionally, these initiatives should ultimately help NAYGN to be better in addressing systemic racism in our organization, in the nuclear industry, and in the communities we live.
The committee is currently charting six directions for actions:
- Member content to better understand unconscious bias.
- Developing/Expanding our partnerships with Women In Nuclear and the National Society of Black Engineers.
- Developing strategy and guidance for chapter discussions on social issues.
- Understanding the value of diversity in companies/teams.
- Strategically using NAYGN’s voice within the industry to advocate for and stress the need of a diverse and inclusive environment.
- Developing an outreach program targeting underrepresented groups, educating them about clean nuclear energy and careers.
As we continue to shape actions into NAYGN’s Strategic Plan, we welcome additional members to engage with this committee and help be the example of how we can institute change. We also encourage you to engage in discussions with your chapter and determine how it can become more diverse and inclusive.
Please contact to engage with the D&I Council – we’d be happy to work with you.

NEI's 'State of the Nuclear Energy Industry' Recap
In case you missed the virtual event a few weeks ago, NEI has got you covered!
The event included remarks from NEI President and CEO Maria Korsnick, as well as a panel discussion with Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance CEO Miranda Ballentine and Union of Concerned Scientists President Ken Kimmell moderated by ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell. An interview with Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) conducted by Bipartisan Policy Center Founder and President Jason Grumet followed.
Videos from the event are at the link below, and you can read and download Maria Korsnick’s remarks here.

Advocating for Nuclear Energy 101 Webinar
Mark you calendars for Monday, July 13 from 1 - 2 PM EST!
We are hosting a nuclear advocacy webinar with Nuclear Matters to share tips and tricks for how to advocate for nuclear energy – especially in a virtual world – and how making it personal can help make it count.
From employees at nuclear power plants to environmental proponents of carbon-free power, every nuclear energy advocate has a different perspective, and therefore a different story to tell. We hope to see you there!
Things to Know
Virtual PD Committee Update
The Virtual PD Committee has met and is underway gathering ideas and content for our membership. To better help the committee develop content that is of interest to you, please email with any input for the following questions:
- What technical content are you interested in learning more about?
- What leadership topics are you interested in learning more about?
- Are there any specific topics within nuclear that interests you?
- Are you interested in learning more about specific or recent hot topics?
- Is there anything additional you would like to share that you are interested in learning more about or doing?
- Regarding leadership and management skills - are you interested in conflict resolution, time management, meeting organization, project management, coaching and providing feedback, or something else?
- Are you or your chapter interested in sharing a professional development topic with other members?
Register for NEI Forums: Conducting an Outage During a Pandemic
NEI is hosting a series of forums dedicated to specific topics related to executing an outage during a pandemic. These forums will provide lessons learned, tools and resources to help plants implement outages while maximizing personnel safety and minimizing outage impacts.
Register here to attend one of two remaining dates:
Tue, Jul 14, 2020 2-4 p.m. (EDT)
Tue, Jul 21, 2020 2-4 p.m. (EDT)
Register for the Launch of Generation Impact
On Wednesday, July 15 from 1–2:15 PM EST the Electricity Human Resource Canada (EHRC) is launching their newest research, "Generation Impact".
The launch will include:
- Introductory remarks from EHRC and distinguished guests
- Presentation of the research findings by David Coletto, CEO of Abacus Data
- Youth panel discussion featuring Millennial and Gen Z workers in electricity
- Canadian Operating Officer, Matthew Mairinger, will be on this panel!
The event is free and open to all attendees.
Diversity and Inclusion Virtual Conference Opportunity
On July 16, Diversity and Inclusion in UK Nuclear will be hosting a virtual Diversity and Inclusion conference from 6 AM - 8 AM EST.
The event will be condensed into an engaging format and will include perspectives from the nuclear industry, short presentations from globally renowned experts in inclusion and diversity and plenty of time for Q&A.
Registration for this conference is free as well.
Take Action to Say NO to HB 2025 in Pennsylvania
This week, members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives will vote on a bill (HB 2025) that would derail Pennsylvania’s ability to reduce carbon emissions by preventing the Commonwealth from entering into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). The newly proposed HB 2025 would block that entry and would make Pennsylvania's greenhouse gas reduction goals unachievable.
By participating in RGGI, Pennsylvania will finally begin to value the carbon-free benefits of the Commonwealth’s largest clean energy resource, nuclear power.
If HB 2025 is passed, this legislation would further hurt the nuclear industry in Pennsylvania following the closure of Three Mile Island last year. Blocking the Commonwealth from participating in RGGI would forego hundreds of millions of dollars each year in economic opportunities.
Reach out to legislators here!
Register for Upcoming Women in Nuclear Virtual Conference
The U.S. Women in Nuclear conference will be hosted virtually this year and be held on July 27 & 28.
Register here:
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