Membership Newsletter: National Conference, Core Nominations, and Last Chance for George!

Early Bird Conference Registration Extended!
The National NAYGN Conference in conjunction with the Nuclear Energy Assembly is quickly approaching! The conference will take place from May 20-22 at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C. If you or members of your chapter are planning on attending, now is to the time to register! Early bird registration for the conference has been extended to February 28. We hope to see you there!
Core Nominations

Nominations for the annual NAYGN Core Elections are coming to a close and will be accepted until Friday, February 7. This year, Vice President, Treasurer, Canadian Affairs Chair and Professional Development are open for election and all positions begin in May 2020. Check out our bylaws and our current team to learn about the roles and responsibilities of each position.
Please email Past President, Christine Johnsen, if you are interested or if you’d like to nominate another NAYGN member.
Annual Awards Open

There's no better way to recognize your chapter or an outstanding chapter member like the NAYGN Annual Awards! Nominations are open until February 29 (don't get to say that date very often!) and can be made for activities performed during the 2019 calendar year. Full information on the different type of Awards is available on the website.
Nominate a member or your chapter!
Book Club Update

The next book club meeting will be February 19 at 1:00 PM EST and will cover chapters 14-23 of “How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big” by Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert.
If you were unable to attend the January meeting (chapters 1-13), a recording of the meeting is now on our NAYGN website under Committees and Professional Development.
We hope to hear from you later this month and if you have any questions, please contact
Last Chance for George

Once he’s gone, we won’t restock!
Grab your copy of George’s Energy Adventure on Amazon today for the sale price of $6.99 with free Prime Shipping! That’s over a 50% discount from the listing price.
With a limited supply left, this is your time to share George’s journey to discover how energy diversification powers the world with a child, parent, or teacher in your life!
Social Media Contest

The social media contest is coming to a close and the deadline to submit is Valentine's Day, Feb 14th. The contest is open to everyone and there will be $1000 worth of prizes up for grabs. The theme of the contest is, “Nuclear on the Human Scale” (think football fields, coke cans, etc.). You can submit a meme, video, or infographic to #FallInLoveWithU on any social platform or via! There will be a winner of each category, and then an overall winner. You can submit as many times as you like!