Membership Newsletter: U235 Challenge, Upcoming Webinar, Virtual Tips, and Things to Know

Start your U235 Challenge Today
Habits and routines are more important than ever right now. There are a few ways to go about starting a new habit and that’s why we’ve started the U235 Challenge!
- U : You
- 2 : Work on two new habits
- 3 : Practice your habit at least three times a week
- 5 : For 5 minutes a day over the course of 5 weeks
Challenge your friends / family and hashtag #U235Challenge to keep this chain reaction going!
For more information, check out the page on our website:

Register for our Upcoming Webinar!
Join us for a Case Study with Thomas Saunders on Thursday, May 14th at 3:30 PM EST.
Mr. Saunders is a Site Oversight Director with GPC Nuclear Development at Vogtle Units 3&4. We will be discussing protected activities and employee protection for employees and non-employee support staff as it relates to activities conducted under licenses granted by the NRC.

NAYGN Attends IYNC 2020
The Kinectrics NAYGN chapter attended the 2020 International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) held in Sydney, Australia. The chapter members chaired panels, presented papers, and organized workshops and panels.
NAYGN was also recognized as the winner of the Juan Alberto Gonzalez Garrido Award at IYNC!
The Juan Alberto Gonzalez Garrido award is given to a National (or continental) Young Generation Network that has given outstanding service to the benefit of the young generation, enjoys a great bottom-up support from its members or offers a big variety of interesting event.

Virtual Gears still Turning at NAYGN
Even though we've had to socially distance, the gears have kept turning at NAYGN thanks to you!
We have been hard at work planning new webinars, networking activities, book clubs, and ways for us all to continue to be virtually engaged. We've also developed some great content focused around Professional Development, Public Information, and Nuclear Advocacy.
Professional Development Opportunities
While we are sad that the conference is canceled, our Incoming (Jenny Gourley) and Outgoing (Cayla Thompson) Professional Development Officers grouped some great opportunities to continue developing your personal skills.
For questions, contact
Public Information Toolkit
Although schools may be closed and we are all being encouraged to work from home, we can still do public information & outreach events!
Our Public Information Officer, Amanda Lang, started a Public Information Toolkit.
For questions, contact
Nuclear Advocacy Starter Kit
Canadian Operating Officer, Matthew Mairinger, started the development of a Nuclear Advocacy Starter Kit.
The purpose of this kit is to collect resources all in one place to help when you are going to build a presentation, go to a rally, do a speech, or write an article. The goal is to put the most impactful information together while striving to have the data from reputable sources (i.e. IPCC, WNA, UN, etc.).
We'd like for this to be a living document to continue to build this knowledge base. If you have ideas, let us know and contact
Things to Know
- Next week, May 21, the NAYGN Board will be virtually hosting our annual face-to-face board meeting. We will introducing our new incoming officers, saying thank you to the outgoing officers, and building our strategic plan for 2020-2021. We can't wait to continue to do awesome work with you all!
- Also next week, May 19, our Canadian and US Operating Officers will be virtually meeting with our regional leads and hosting a Local Chapter Lead symposium. If you have any questions about these meetings, please contact and
- The 2020 Career Report developed by the Benchmarking Committee is in the final review stages and nearing it's public release! Stay tuned for more information and if you have any questions, contact
- In the coming weeks, we will be announcing our annual awards on social media! Even though we don't get to do this in-person this year, we are so excited to present these awards to the amazing people and chapters that are a part of this organization!
- FYI, there are great materials for high schools at Developed by the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA), the site is full of lesson plans, content, and fun activities to learn about most aspects of nuclear. Check it out!
- NAYGN recently signed onto a letter sent to the EU commissioners. The letter was created as a response to a group of anti-nuclear NGOs who wrote a public letter to the European Commission calling for the exclusion of nuclear investments from the EU taxonomy. The letter, developed by World Nuclear Association, calls on the Commission to ensure any sustainable financing initiative is firmly based upon science and supportive of all low-carbon generation.