NAYGN at RE+ 2023

NAYGN attended RE+, the largest clean energy conference in the USA! We shared how nuclear is just as vital for clean energy as solar and wind—and we did it in style. Check out our capes and polos!
RE+ 2023 set a new attendance record with over 40,000 clean energy professionals! Our group of 10 volunteers, consisting of NAYGN Clean Energy Committee members, Generation Atomic, and Entergy Clean Energy Committee members, made quite the impression with our bright outfits and nuclear spirit.
We piqued curiosity with “Net Zero Needs Nuclear” stickers and pins. We “Ran with the Sun” in an early morning 5k with our colorful “Clean Energy” capes. We networked with fellow RE+ attendees and carbon-free energy advocates. We asked pointed nuclear-related questions during numerous speaker sessions and panels. And we discovered many nuclear supporters within solar and wind—because by uniting solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear, we can power a cleaner tomorrow.

RE+ is an annual clean energy conference. The 2023 edition was held in Las Vegas, NV from September 11 to 14. RE+ 2024 will take place in Anaheim, CA. / NAYGN Clean Energy Committee: Christy Fletcher, Megan Lubbers, Genesis Ponce, Justin Roberts, Jeanne Ruppelius, and Arthur Tadiar. Generation Atomic: Matt Meyer. Entergy Clean Energy Committee: Nicholette De Freitas, Katrel Lewis, and Orien Magee. / Video credit: Arthur Tadiar, Palo Verde NAYGN Chapter