NAYGN Core Brings Climate Interactive Simulation to Professionals in the Carolinas
NAYGN President, Lee Causey and Public Information Chair, Amanda Lang visited the E4 Carolinas Emerging Leaders Program on June 18th with Duke Energy NAYGN Chapter members Jack Lemmer and Andy Kalchik. They presented the Climate Interactive World Energy Summit to energy professionals in the Carolinas. This simulator allows participants to role play as world leaders: the president of the United States, the president of China, fossil fuel executives, farmers, environmentalists, and low carbon technology companies. Each player negotiates in his or her best interests with the group goal of developing policy that satisfies the Paris Climate Accord goal of limiting global temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius by 2100.
Key takeaways for participants include:
- There is no silver bullet to curb climate change. ALL technologies are needed.
- New nuclear technological breakthroughs such as SMRs and fusion are important for meeting climate goals.
- There are so many aspects to climate change from transportation to agriculture to carbon sequestration to global economic growth. Use this simulation to learn more about the effect of each one of these levers on reaching climate goals.
For more information and access to the simulator, please sign up here.
Lang presented the simulation again at the NAYGN Carolinas
Regional Conference on July 25 with the intent of bringing this simulation to
more adult audiences. If you are
interested in facilitating a simulation in your area, feel free to contact for
E4 Carolinas is the trade association for the Carolina energy companies and organizations. They promote the Carolinas Energy Economy, mindful of the Efficient use of resources and conscious of the Environment.
The En-ROADS model was developed by Climate Interactive, a
not-for-profit organization based in Washington DC. Their goal is to develop
scientifically-grounded tools to help inspire audiences to understand and act
on current challenges.