Requesting Your Input!

The 2022 NEA/NAYGN is coming up later this year and we want YOUR input for topics!
Museum Tour? Happy Hour Social?
Business Etiquette? Emotional Intelligence?
Gen IV Reactors? Nuclear in Space?
By taking this short survey, you can provide input to the conference planning committee on what is specifically of interest to you! Take this survey by the end of the day January 28th to help the NAYGN conference planning committee develop a conference tailored to the needs of our members!
To celebrate National Coming Out Day, oSTEM and NAYGN are partnering for a panel on what it means to be a champion for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in the workplace. Attendees of this panel will hear experiences about how professionals in oSTEM and NAYGN have implemented change and promoted DEI activism in their professional lives. This event promotes being an advocate for your own community as well as an ally for other communities. Join us October 11th at 4pm (EST) to hear from our variety of members on these important topics. The registration link will be sent soon...
[Registration Link]