NAYGN Conference Scholarship Opportunity

Announcing a student scholarship opportunity for a chance to attend the 2023 NAYGN Annual Conference on June 21-23 in Minneapolis, MN!
Any student currently enrolled in a nuclear curriculum at a North American academic institution with an interest in working in the nuclear sector (e.g. engineering, health physics, technology, policy, law, etc.). This includes graduate students and graduating university seniors.
What the Scholarship Includes:
Limited scholarships are available; reasonable airfare, shared hotel accommodations with another scholarship student, and conference registration will be provided for the selected students. Please note: other travel expenses such as meals and other incidentals will not be covered through this opportunity.
Conference Information:
How to Apply:
Interested students should take the survey at as well as email a current resume and any other supporting information to Tyler Andrews ( with subject line “NAYGN Conference Scholarship ‐ <First Name Last Name>” no later than 5pm EST on Friday, April 21st, 2023.
Tyler will reply upon receipt of your application to confirm that resume made it through cybersecurity email filters. The conference committee will select and notify scholarship recipients no later than Friday, April 28, 2023.
Application Contact:
Tyler Andrews | NAYGN Scholarship Lead