TIP Award! Millennial Nuclear Caucus, Ohio NAYGN, Drawing Contest, Video Winners

From your NAYGN Core

  • Congratulations!  NAYGN will be receiving a Top Innovative Practice Award during the NEA Conference in recognition of your NAYGN Impact efforts!  A big thank you to all of our members - The results of this effort prove that allowing innovative ideas to flow from the bottom-up, utilizing the enthusiasm of volunteers, and collaborating across companies and organizations is what is needed to advance the future of nuclear.
  • With this TIP Award, NAYGN will be joining industry leaders in innovation and exhibiting your efforts behind this recognition during this year’s Nuclear Energy Assembly in Atlanta, GA. If you haven’t registered for this joint NAYGN-NEI conference yet, sign up today!
  • Already planning to attend the NEA? Check out this save-the-date for the Millennial Nuclear Caucus – a great way to network with other nuclear advocacy groups across the country! More details to come.

Hearing from Our Members

Last Words

  • Geoscientist Scott Montgomery offered a promising world perspective on the future of nuclear generation in The Seattle Times.
  • Even closer to home, New Jersey may have found the right legislative mix to support nuclear generation in an increasingly renewables-focused climate.