2015 3rd Quarter NAYGN Excellence Awards
Rhe Adams (VC Summer)
Coordination and participation in the Nuclear High School Blitz, an outreach event that communicated the benefits of nuclear to over 3000 local area high school students
Kimberly Anderson (VC Summer)
Coordination and participation in the Nuclear High School Blitz, an outreach event that communicated the benefits of nuclear to over 3000 local area high school students
Monica Beistline (Exelon – Limerick)
Involvement as core planning team member in planning and executing the Atlantic-Northeast Regional Event
Karen Bobkowski (Vogtle 3&4 – SNC)
Service as volunteer coordinator for the local NAYGN’s Ronald McDonald Charity House golf tournament
Isabelle Brogna (MPR Associates)
Involvement as core planning team member in planning and executing the Atlantic-Northeast Regional Event
Tim Cahill (Bechtel)
Efforts as a key contributor to the successful update of the NAYGN membership database
Ashley Cates (Cameco Chapter)
Exceptional performance, committed service, and strategic leadership in fundraising activities to benefit families displaced during the summer fires in Saskatchewan
Arthur Clites (Vogtle 3&4 – CB&I)
Spearheaded major participation, recruitment, and communication efforts for the local NAYGN’s Ronald McDonald Charity House golf tournament
Matt Grimaldi (Vogtle 3&4 – WEC)
Served to plan and coordinate portions of the local NAYGN’s Ronald McDonald Charity House golf tournament
Brandon Hallee (MPR Associates)
Involvement as core planning team member in planning and executing the Atlantic-Northeast Regional Event
Allan James, Jr (Palo Verde Young Generation in Nuclear)
Involvement in a tour of the facility to NEXTGEN members from Arizona Public Service and contributions to communication of the attributes of nuclear power
Billy Kronenwetter (NAYGN-Duke Energy)
Involved in presentation to major management committee on NAYGN goals at the national and chapter levels
Amanda Lang (NAYGN-Duke Energy)
Ownership and promotion of the 2015 NAYGN Drawing Contest
Glen Lawson (NAYGN Charlotte)
Service as a major proponent of NAYGN Public Information initiatives and significant involvement in efforts to foster cross-chapter networking and development.
Chris Long (NAYGN-Duke Energy)
Exceptional logistical leadership in support of NAYGN events
Gabriel Mahdi (Vogtle 3&4 – SNC )
Efforts as a volunteer and putting contest coordinator for the local NAYGN’s Ronald McDonald Charity House golf tournament
Brendan Miller (Entergy – Indian Point)
Leadership in developing and facilitating the Plant Closure dynamic learning activity at the Atlantic-Northeast Joint Regional Event
Gary Mingo (Vogtle 1&2)
Work in initial event communication for the local NAYGN’s Ronald McDonald Charity House golf tournament to chapter membership
Vanessa Molineros (NAYGN-Duke Energy)
Involved in presentation to major management committee on NAYGN goals at the national and chapter levels
Sam Moore (AREVA – TN)
Involvement as core planning team member in planning and executing the Atlantic-Northeast Regional Event
Dan O’Donnell (Enercon-DC)
Involvement as core planning team member in planning and executing the Atlantic-Northeast Regional Event
Adam Poparad (Palo Verde Young Generation in Nuclear)
Exceptional leadership and dedication to the community through organization of the American Cancer Society Climb to Conquer Flagstaff event
Adam Reichenbach (NAYGN-Duke Energy)
Efforts in his fleet chapter role and in development of knowledge transfer and retention practices
Paul Rodi (Vogtle 3&4 – SNC)
Involvement in maintaining the budget, milestones, and timelines for the local NAYGN’s Ronald McDonald Charity House golf tournament
Jordan Rushlander (Vogtle 3&4 – WEC)
Service in planning and coordination of the local NAYGN’s Ronald McDonald Charity House golf tournament
Alyse Scurlock (NAYGN-Duke Energy)
Exemplary school outreach support and event creation and development
Mainak Sengupta (MPR Associates)
Involvement as core planning team member in planning and executing the Atlantic-Northeast Regional Event
Gilbert Shupe (Palo Verde Young Generation in Nuclear)
Involvement in a tour of the facility to NEXTGEN members from Arizona Public Service and contributions to communication of the attributes of nuclear power
Chris Slaughter (VC Summer)
Coordination and participation in the Nuclear High School Blitz, an outreach event that communicated the benefits of nuclear to over 3000 local area high school students
Amanda Smith (VC Summer)
Coordination and participation in the Nuclear High School Blitz, an outreach event that communicated the benefits of nuclear to over 3000 local area high school students
John Stafford (AREVA – TN)
Involvement as core planning team member in planning and executing the Atlantic-Northeast Regional Event
Tiffani Teachey (CB&I Charlotte)
Involvement in the NAYGN American Heart Association Heart Walk Raffle Fundraiser and in the hosting and organization of the NAYGN Charlotte Chapter regional social networking event
Rupert Wade (Exelon – Nine Mile Point)
Involvement as core planning team member in planning and executing the Atlantic-Northeast Regional Event
Jerome Walker (Vogtle 1&2)
Efforts in facility coordination for the local NAYGN’s Ronald McDonald Charity House golf tournament
Patrick White (MPR Associates)
Involvement as core planning team member in planning and executing the Atlantic-Northeast Regional Event
Jamie Williams (DC Metro)
Involvement as core planning team member in planning and executing the Atlantic-Northeast Regional Event
Elliott Wilson (NAYGN-Duke Energy)
Involved in presentation to major management committee on NAYGN goals at the national and chapter levels
Shad Wright (Vogtle 1&2)
Service as tournament coordinator for the local NAYGN’s Ronald McDonald Charity House golf tournament