2023 Elections Voting

Deadline to Vote:

March 1, 2023 @ 11: 59 PM EST

2023 NAYGN Ballot

This year we are voting for the NAYGN Board of Director officer positions of:

Vice President, Public Information Officer, United States Operating Officer, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer, and Communications Officer. 

In addition to the officer positions, a revision to the NAYGN Bylaws has been proposed which requires a vote of the membership to approve.  Information on each candidate and the proposed Bylaw change are described below.  If you have any questions or issues during the voting process, please send an email to past-president@naygn.org.

After voting, make sure to input your information to be registered to win a $100 Amazon gift card! 

The Candidates

Vice President 

The Vice President is elected to a three-year term. At the end of the Vice President’s 1-year term, they move to the role of President of NAYGN for one year, and then serve a final year as the Past-President. Therefore, the VP role is one of familiarizing oneself with the broad activities of the group during the 1-year term. The Vice President is also called upon to develop a vision for the group for the upcoming term as President.  The Vice President is responsible for performing the following duties: 

  • Oversee the Engagement Committee
  • Promote chapter and local section development
  • Oversee the Benchmarking Committee
  • Shadow the President to ensure he/she understands the job responsibilities

Christy Fletcher



Christy Fletcher has been a mechanical design engineer with ENERCON for 10 years, starting immediately after she graduated from Clemson University. Most of her work has been for TVA’s three nuclear plants leading multi-disciplinary teams through the design process. She also specializes in hydraulic modeling, and has completed models for TVA, Duke, Entergy, NextEra, Southern Company, and SHINE Technologies. Christy lives in Atlanta, GA where she enjoys playing sports and marathoning the Star Wars franchise.


Vision Statement


NAYGN will become the leader in youth clean energy advocacy to ensure nuclear is embraced in the clean energy transition. If elected, the theme of my presidency will be one of outreach. NAYGN needs to drive elected officials towards supporting all clean energy sources, educate kids about the benefits of nuclear power, interact with the public to dispel popular myths, and most importantly, form alliances with other clean energy organizations. If hydro, wind, and solar advocates embrace nuclear as a clean energy source, we take a giant step toward solving the climate crisis.

History Statement

I joined my local NAYGN chapter in 2013 and became the Public Information Government Outreach Lead in 2016. In this role, I coordinated six different Post Card Push Day events and worked with NEI to plan two Hill Days at the 2019 and 2022 continental conferences in Washington D.C. Most recently, I volunteered to be on the Delivery Team for the Global Clean Energy Action Forum and fulfilled the role of Project Manager. I ended 2022 by attending COP27 as a nuclear advocate. Here I honed my advocacy skills by talking with people from around the world about nuclear power.



Core Values

At COP27, I worked with nuclear advocates from around the world.  Everyone had a unique perspective of how their community could utilize nuclear and clean energy sources.  As Vice-President, I will actively seek out and involve diverse groups so that everyone has a voice in the future of nuclear power.

Paul Rodi



I received my B.S in Mechanical Engineering at VCU while interning with Dominion Energy within mechanical design, early site permits, and leadership development. I earned my M.S. at Texas A&M with South Texas Project PRA research. Since 2012, I have been an engineer with Southern Nuclear Company at Vogtle 3&4 in various roles including programs, systems, design, and lead for offsite modules. My current role is Digital I&C Test Engineer while helping finish these reactors.


Vision Statement


As Vice President, my vision would be finding ways to revitalize more chapters in the post-COVID environment and improve retention of nuclear professionals. The focus of NAYGN recently has been clean energy and being recognized globally which is outstanding, so I do not want to take away from that. But I still want to add more engagement towards getting the industry to recognize the value of young professionals and come up with real steps to help alleviate the loss of great people, bring work-life balance to the forefront, and help develop internal leaders for the future.

History Statement

I have been active with NAYGN for over a decade while having a strong focus on improvement, mentoring, and chapter growth. As Vogtle-3&4 Chair, I focus on activities with high quality using minimal effort. This leads to outstanding metrics and various awards (including Future and Best Chapter Overall). After winning, I was appointed Awards Committee Lead which allowed me to see developing members/chapters, spread great events, and give chapters/individuals a sense of accomplishment. I am active in various other NAYGN committees and conference/event planning to help promote the same experience that I received to advance the organization.


Core Values

I will drive the pillars/core values of the organization especially Knowledge Transfer and Retention. I want to expand ideas between chapters and create spaces for collaboration. I'm committed to DE&I and am a councilmember for Southern Nuclear Company and was a diversity scholarship recipient with Dominion. I will continue to embrace NAYGN commitments.

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Public Information Officer

The Public Information Officer shall be responsible for establishing and implementing the public information and education program of the Corporation, including but not limited to:
- Annual Drawing Contest.
- Student Education Activities and Programs.
- Public Outreach Efforts and Education.
- Liaising with PI activities sponsored and organized by other Technical and Professional Societies.
- Providing content for the PI section of the Corporation website.

Katherine Mitchell



I graduated from Kennesaw State University with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Nuclear Engineering. I currently work for ENERCON Services, Inc. as a mechanical engineer with our Talisman group doing licensing and regulations consulting.


Vision Statement 

My vision as Public Information Officer is to continue, grow, and expand the current outreach programs including the drawing and essay contests. I want to expand resources available to chapters and members to help them get involved in their local schools and communities. This will include a STEM activity resource library and a video series on “how to speak on nuclear power.” 



History Statement

I started my NAYGN journey in fall 2020 by joining the ENERCON - Kennesaw chapter leadership team as the Public Outreach Chair. I knew I wanted to find a way to spread nuclear energy into schools and created this position to create my own opportunities to do so. I served in this position for almost two years, growing our community involvement, forming partnerships with local schools, and creating a School Outreach Committee. I became President of the chapter in September 2022 while continuing to head the School Outreach Committee.  

 Core Values

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, my core values align with that of NAYGN. I work daily to help share my experiences and educate those around me on these issues while actively listening and educating myself on issues and experiences that I do not have.

Tucker Thompson



I received my B.S. in Civil Engineering from North Carolina State University with a structural concentration in 2018. I currently work for Duke Energy at Brunswick Nuclear Plant in Southport, NC. At BNP, I am a member of the Design Support Engineering team. My responsibilities include Structures Monitoring in the Aging Management Program, engineering assistance to maintenance and O&M design modifications. 

Vision Statement

 My vision for NAYGN is to continue growing our impact in the nuclear advocacy space . I want to empower local chapters by providing them with up to date nuclear energy materials to take into their schools and communities. I believe that the impact we make with policy makers will be vital to expansion of nuclear energy. Thus, I would expand NAYGN Hill Day efforts into regular discourse with policy makers and their staff, with an increased focus on being heard in the global climate policy space. Lastly, make inroads with investors to encourage new nuclear ventures across North America.

History Statement

I am heavily engaged with the Brunswick Nuclear Plant NAYGN chapter where I launched a Know-Your-Leaders Lunch and Learn Series in 2022. I’m currently serving as Duke Energy NAYGN Fleet treasurer, where I maintain the budget for all seven local chapters. I have become heavily involved in the nuclear advocacy space with NAYGN attending CEM and COP 27 in 2022. At both events respectively, I helped put on side events and panels engage attendees and I had numerous nuclear energy conversations with leaders in the energy sector. 

  Core Values

I plan to uphold NAYGN’s core values, specifically Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, by seeking out a Public Information Team of people that have different backgrounds than I do. To solve complex problems, it takes creative solutions; we are going to need a diversity of good ideas working together to do so.

Holland Vande Krol



My name is Holland Vande Krol and I work as system engineer at Palo Verde Generating Station. I grew up in Arizona and earned a mechanical engineering degree at Arizona State University.


Vision Statement

As Public Information Officer, I want to explore the possibilities of collective storytelling and use science fiction to inspire future engineers, policymakers, and voters to support nuclear power. This would involve continuing the excellent initiatives of my predecessors, while also expanding the literature program to include middle grade or young adult fiction. I also want to provide opportunities that empower NAYGN members to tell their stories about what they envision for the future.

History Statement

In my previous roles, I have led Palo Verde in creating teacher workshops aligned with Arizona science standards, built on the successful Scouts BSA Nuclear Science Merit Badge clinic for the Grand Canyon Council, and brought an exciting new theme to the NAYGN drawing contest when serving as the Student Outreach Lead. I have also supported the NAYGN Delivery Team for the Global Clean Energy Action Forum and provided material for an exciting Nuclear Trivia night.


Core Values

I will uphold the core values of NAYGN to the best of my ability. I will seek out diverse perspectives when proposing new initiatives and respect the values of the communities in which I interact.

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United States Operating Officer


The U.S. Operating Officer is elected for a  two year position.  The U.S. Operating Officer is the liaison between the Core and the local chapters in the U.S.  It is the U.S. Operating Officer’s responsibility to perform the following:

  •  Promote the formation, growth and activity of local chapters
  • Act as line of communication between the local chapters, regional leads and the Core
  • Oversee the Regional Leads to ensure that Strategic Plan initiatives are being met 

Lindsy Davis


 My name is Lindsy Davis I grew up in Woodstock, Georgia. I went to Georgia Southern University and received a Mechanical Engineering Degree. While I was in college, I had four different internships/co-op opportunities. These experiences helped me decide upon graduation I wanted to work in the nuclear industry. I began working at a Nuclear Power Plant. Currently I work for ENERCON as a Lead mechanical Engineer creating design change packages for the plant. 

Vision Statement

As a U.S Operating Officer it is my duty to relay important information to all local chapter, collect metrics, and promote growth in the local chapters. I would like to do this by encouraging local chapters to feel seen and heard through social media as well as give opportunities for recognition on the national level through awards. I would also like to use this position to help local chapters come up with new ways to promote growth through social or volunteer events. If elected I would love to see every local chapter see big wins during my time in office.

History Statement

I have been involved in my local NAYGN for the past year. I started as an entry level member excited about lunch and learns. I began participating in outreach events to our local schools knew this was an organization I want to be a part of. I now serve as the current service chair for the Kennesaw office. I have led volunteer events at our local senior center. I also put together a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity and held a clothing drive. I can’t wait to share more ideas to promote growth and activity in this organization!

Core Values

I plan to uphold to NAYGNS core values by listening and respecting everyone’s ideas promoting growing each NAYGN chapter presents. I will also do everything in my power to make sure everyone feels included in the conversations and activities I may facilitate.

Josh Goodman


I obtained my undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering and a graduate degree in Engineering from the University of Akron. My graduate focus was a split of Structural Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. I also obtained my MBA from Western Governors University. I worked in the structural mechanics department at Babcock & Wilcox. Currently, I am in the Licensing department at Energy Harbor corporate and have been in that role for three years.

Vision Statement

My vision is to continue the great work Ashley has maintained in the role. I plan on helping LCLs increase engagement in their companies from what I have learned from getting involved with the Global Clean Energy Action Forum events in September of 2022 as well as my experience as the LCL for EH Akron. I plan to help provide value for NAYGN, the companies represented by the LCLs, and the nuclear industry as a whole. I plan on doing this by scaling what EH Akron has accomplished in its community outreach and charitable endeavors.

History Statement 

I joined NAYGN in October 2021. I became the LCL for EH Akron in August 2022 and am the current Midwest Regional Lead. My passion for engaging nuclear professionals through NAYGN started with the opportunity to help mobilize our site NAYGN and WIN members to help the national NAYGN group with the Global Clean Energy Action Forum in Pittsburgh in September of 2022. Being able to help with the community outreach, and the events that National planned as well as engaging with policy makers and other clean energy stakeholders, while stressful, was extremely rewarding.


Core Values

 I will uphold the core values of NAYGN to the best of my ability. I will listen and understand the views of all people groups as well as improve my understanding of DEI, daily. We are stronger together only when we include all views and perspectives.

Chris Slaughter


I am an Engineering Technical Specialist with Dominion Energy, at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Power Station. I serve as the Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CAD) Site Administrator at V.C. Summer Station and serve as an Innovation Envoy for the Nuclear Design Engineering Department. I have been in the nuclear industry for over 8 years.  I have over 10 years of Engineering experience, including 3 years of Nuclear Plant Operations and Training experience.

Vision Statement

In my role as US Operating Officer, I will mentor and guide Chapter Leads, providing them the tools they need to grow their Chapters and increase engagement. Given my experience rebuilding the V.C. Summer chapter, I know what it takes to spark enthusiasm and I have already put these skills to use helping rebuild other NAYGN chapters.  I will help Universities around the United States develop and grow their own NAYGN Chapters, and get students excited about the possibilities of a career in the nuclear industry.

History Statement 

I joined NAYGN in 2014 when I began working in the nuclear industry. Since 2018, I have served on the V.C. Summer Chapter Leadership Team in the Social Networking, Public Information, and Professional Development Officer roles.  I helped to rebuild the Chapter from the ground up, culminating in winning Best Chapter in the Carolinas Region in 2020. 

I have also served on multiple NAYGN Committees since 2018, including: the Public Information, Social Media, Conference Planning, and Webmaster Committees. 

During my tenure on the Public Information Committee, I helped launch our Take Action tool, which has resulted in over 600 letters sent to US Congress representatives from our NAYGN Members, giving nuclear energy a voice at the highest levels of government.  

Core Values 

 As a minority, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is of the utmost importance to me. I pledge to do my best to foster an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued, included, heard, and recognized for their contributions. We are truly stronger together, and the unique perspective that we can all bring to the table should always be nurtured, recognized, and rewarded.

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Communications Officer


The Communications Officer is elected for a two year period. The Communication Officer role is responsible for all internal communications of NAYGN, including editing and publishing the membership newsletter, compilating and distributing NAYGN announcements, and recording Board meeting minutes. This posiiton also provides leadership and direction to the following committees: 

  • Social Media
  • Awards
  • Publications 


Ivey Wilson


  • Ivey Wilson is a graduate of Texas A&M University, where she obtained a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering. Ivey currently works in nuclear power as component programs engineer for Constellation’s Nuclear Fleet. She lives in Chicago, IL with her dog, where she spends her time running, enjoying local coffee, and supporting local shops. Ivey is passionate about exploring ways traditional nuclear power plants can benefit the future of new-nuclear and clean energy.


  • I believe NAYGN’s communications presence is vital to growing an industry dedicated to clean power, a diverse workforce, and safety. As Communications Officer, I would like to enhance existing social media presence to engage both nuclear professionals and curious members of the public through interactive media and increased post volume. I also envision an enhanced internal communications platform, which allows chapters to communicate and share resources more effectively. This would include document sharing, ability to plan cross-industry events, and a platform to ask other chapters for input with ease.

NAYGN History:

  • I currently serve as Professional Development Chair for the Constellation Cantera NAYGN Chapter in Warrenville, IL. I work with my chapter to develop events for our remote workforce and enhance employee engagement. I previously served as Chair, and Vice-Chair, to the Entergy Echelon NAYGN Chapter in Jackson, MS from 2020 to 2022. In my time as Chair, I lead NAYGN initiatives to enhance intern engagement and communication during COVID-19 and across the Entergy Fleet.

Core Values:

  • As a member of the NAYGN Board of Directors I would prioritize creating an inclusive and authentic environment in all future media and communications products. I intend to research tools and methods to make NAYGN materials more accessible and so that all persons can participate in NAYGNs efforts to “energize the future of nuclear.”

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer


The Diversity Equity & Inclusion Officer is elected for a  two year position.  The Diversity Equity & Inclusion Officer is responsible for upholding and advancing an inclusive culture within NAYGN, including: engaging with and promoting diverse membership, providing a communication channel for members to raise concerns and taking ownership to ensure violations in NAYGN’s values are properly elevated and addressed, and providing recommendations to NAYGN’s Directors and Committees that support NAYGN’s Vision and Mission by valuing diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Sarah Davis


Sarah Davis is a Nuclear Safety Analysis Engineer at Enercon Services, Inc. outside of Atlanta, GA, where she started working after graduating university in 2019. Ms. Davis has her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in nuclear engineering from the University of Tennessee (Go Vols!). At ENERCON, Ms. Davis is responsible for calculations and evaluations in terms of safety-related components and systems at various nuclear power plants.



Sarah Davis hopes to continue her work as DEI Officer to create a more diverse and inclusive culture with in NAYGN and the nuclear industry. Ms. Davis plans to achieve this through planning diverse events (topics and speakers), working with other diverse STEM organizations, partnering with DEI organizations, and bringing awareness of various DEI topics to the membership and nuclear industry as a whole. A great place for her vision to start is at this year’s stand alone NAYGN annual conference, where Sarah plans to lead a interactive DEI discussion to get the membership excited about DEI.


NAYGN History:

When Ms. Davis started at ENERCON in 2019, she quickly became involved in the NAYGN chapter as social events planner. She worked in this role until 2022, where she then transferred and is now VP of ENERCON’s NAYGN Chapter. Ms. Davis also was an initial member of NAYGN’s DEI Committee that started in 2020. Shortly after joining, Sarah became Lead of the DEI Committee and then ran for the inaugural DEI Officer position in 2021, where she has served for the past 2 years.


Core Values:

As one of the co-writers of the DEI Commitment, Sarah plans to embody the Core’s values in her role as DEI Officer. Each webinar, workshop, meeting, communication, etc. will embrace the core values and use them to motivate each of our members to do the same. Ms. Davis hopes Mr. President will let her revisit these values each Board meeting, so that they can also be at the center of each Officer’s mind as well.

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Bylaw Changes

The complete set of current bylaws can be found here.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Changes

Proposed Bylaw Change

Change Description

An external consultant review of our NAYGN bylaws identified that our bylaws contained non-inclusive binary terms throughout that did not create an inclusive environment for all of our members. To correct this and make our NAYGN bylaws more inclusive, the wording “his/her” was replaced with “their” and the wording “he/she” was replaced with “they” or “one” throughout the document. In addition, several editorial and formatting changes were made.

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After voting, make sure to input your information to be registered to win a $100 Amazon gift card! 

Register for Prize Here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TX65ZLB
