Membership Newsletter: 2020 Career Report Survey Closing Soon, Chapter Metrics, Book Club Kickoff, Social Media Contest, and Q3 Excellence Award Winners
2020 Career Report Survey Closing Soon
The Career Report Survey is approaching a close! If you have completed the
survey already, thank you for your contribution! If you have not, please set aside 10 – 15
minutes and complete it. Your input will
help shape our 2020 career report which reviews topics like; salary, job satisfaction,
and industry outlook.
Please plan to complete the survey no later than Friday, December
All survey participants have the opportunity to be entered into a raffle for
amazing prizes including an Amazon Echo Dot, Fire TV Stick, and Ring Video
Click Here to Complete the Survey
If you
have any questions, please contact
Chapter Metrics
If you are a Local Chapter Lead or contributing member to your chapter, don’t forget to submit the metrics for all of the events your chapter has completed this year! If you’re unsure how to submit your metrics, check out this workflow.
2019 Current Metrics Summary and FAQs
We’d like for all chapter metrics to be recorded by the end of 2019.
Book Club Starting January 2020
The Professional Development committee is kicking off a book club in January 2020! During the first quarter of 2020, the club will be reading and discussing “How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big” by Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert. On January 23rd, the club will be discussing chapters 1 – 13.

Each month
a webinar will be open for discussion and each quarter a new book will be
selected. You can participate as a
chapter or an individual.
If you’d
like to join the club, please email
George’s Energy Adventure Stocking Stuffer
Speaking of books, George’s Energy Adventure is still available on Amazon Prime and would be a great stocking stuffer for all of our future nuclear enthusiasts out there!
The e-book is also available to download for free on Apple Books.

Kickoff to the Social Media Contest
In partnership with Generation Atomic and ANS Young Members Group, the social media contest has officially begun! The contest is open to everyone and there will be $1000 worth of prizes up for grabs. Please reach out to your alma mater or younger classmates to spread the word about this opportunity.

The theme of the contest is, “Nuclear on the Human Scale” (think football fields, coke cans, etc.). You can submit a meme, video, or infographic to #FallInLoveWithU on any social platform or via! Also, consider tagging a few engineering departments or environmental groups in your post as well.
The deadline for the contest is Valentine's Day, Feb 14th. There will be a winner of each category, and then an overall winner. You can submit as many times as you like!
Recap of United Nations Climate Change Conference
Canadian Affairs Chair, Matthew Mairinger, was invited to attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference – Conference of Parties (COP25) in Madrid, Spain on December 2-6, 2019 on behalf of NAYGN and CNA. Check out his Go Nuke article for a detailed breakdown of the conference!

NAYGN Receives Award for Support during Nuclear Science Week
Our Public
Information chair, Amanda Lang, received an award on behalf of NAYGN for our
contribution to Nuclear Science Week. We
sincerely thank you all for you engagement during this week. Whether it was visiting a classroom, sending
a post card, or talking to anyone you knew about nuclear energy, your impact
was huge!
If you’d like to take a walk down memory lane, check out #NuclearSciWeek and #ActualLivingScientist on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Q3 Excellence Awards Winners
to the Q3 Excellence Award winners!
- Alyson Coates, Chapter: Entergy, River Bend
- Savanna Patureau, Chapter: Entergy, River Bend
- Jackie Goulding, Chapter: Exelon West
- Emma Paul, Chapter:
Bruce Power - Regan Callan, Chapter: PSEG Hope Creek & Salem
- Jasmine Ferguson, Chapter: PSEG Hope Creek & Salem
- Kathryn Bench, Chapter: FirstEnergy, Beaver Valley
- Matthew Norris, Chapter: FirstEnergy, Beaver Valley
- Tierra Upshaw, Chapter: ENERCON-Atlanta
To read more about their achievements, please navigate to the awards page.
Nominations for the Q4 Excellence Awards are open as well. These nominations
will be for the time period from October 1 through December 31, with
nominations closing on January 15, 2020.
To recognize a follow member of your chapter, we'd encourage your
Nominate for Q4 Excellence Awards:
Follow NAYGN on Social Media and Stay in the Loop on the Social Media
For memes, news, and chapter updates follow us on Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and LinkedIn!