Membership Newsletter – Volume 17 Issue 9

From Your NAYGN Core

  • Although NAYGNs Public Information Chair Chris Wolfe agreed with Sen. Rick Perry’s desire to make nuclear cool again, she decided to turn up the heat with the #nuclearishot challenge. Do you have what it takes?
  • Want to participate in Post Card Push Day? Contact us with your mailing address by September 15th.  The Post Card Push Day is October 12th, so let’s remind our representatives what all nuclear does!
  • Marie’s Electric Adventure, NAYGN’s home-grown children’s book, is slotted for delivery to the Chapters that responded to this survey.  You can expect the books to arrive prior to October’s National Nuclear Science Week, and A Book Launch webinar in September.
  • Please welcome our new Benchmarking Lead, Paul Balik.  You might know him as the Pittsburgh Rolls-Royce Chapter Lead.
  • We need help in two committees: Facebook and Benchmarking.  If you can spare 1-2 hours a month, we sure would appreciate your help (and so would Mr. Balik!).
  • A special thanks to Courtney Deshayes of Palo Verde for submitting the winning photo from the NAYGN Conference, above.
  • Know any NAYGNers who stood out last quarter? Let them know by nominating them for an Excellence Award.

Hearing From Our Members

Last Words
