Membership Announcements Volume 12, Issue 26

Breaking News...

  • Upcoming webinar June 17th 1:00pm (EDT): Moments of Greatness: Discovering Who You Really Are with Robert Quinn, author of "Deep Change" and "The Positive Organization." Register in advance.
  • 2014 Excellence Awards are closed and winners will be announced shortly. 1st Quarter Excellence Awards are now open!  Nominate someone in your chapter or committee for their exceptional performance, effective leadership, committed service, and enthusiasm from January through March!
  • NEI is hosting two webinars June 2nd 2:00pm (EDT) and June 10th 3:00pm (EDT) on the Export-Import Bank re-authorization and what it means for future nuclear jobs in the USA. Register in advance.
  • Darlington Nuclear Generating Station will be holding a number of open houses for their Mock up and Training Facility. For more information, click here.

Get Involved…

  • Think Bench marking is boring? Think again! This benchmark helps NAYGN determine success factors!Join today to make the bench marking effort a huge success!  For information, contact Tim Rogers.
  • The annual Canadian Professional Development Conference will be held in Toronto, Ontario on August 22nd, 2015. The topic this year will be "Nuclear Dollars and Sense," and they are looking for volunteers to assist with the event.  To assist, register
  • NAYGN Canada will be supporting upcoming re-licensing public hearings for Darlington Nuclear Power Plant August 19th, November 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. To be part of this effort contact
  • The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) requests a partnership with the nuclear energy industry. NAYGN seeks four more volunteers for a leadership team to setup outreach events with NSBE chapters during National Nuclear Science Week (NNSW) of October 19‑24, 2015.  Contact
  • NEI is looking for help with their Future of Energy quiz. You can help by submitting general energy knowledge multiple choice questions to  Authors of questions will be publicly credited on social media channels.
  • Would you like to help dispel common nuclear industry misconceptions? What misconceptions have you heard about nuclear that need to be dispelled?  Send them to NEI at